1) Auto shut-off Very convenient for those of us who can never bring themselves to shut the coffeemaker off. For the reviewer who had difficulty trying to enable the auto-off feature, set the dial to "Auto-Off" and then set the allotted time using the "hr" and "min" buttons.
2) Programmable Very handy for having fresh brewed coffee to greet you at work or home.
3) Taste The coffeemaker plus the charcoal filter produces a fine tasting cup of joe.
1) Filling the coffemaker THIS is a big deficiency. The mechanics for filling the coffeemaker using the carafe (as opposed to using a sink-based vegetable sprayer for example) are poor. The placement of the lid combined with the narrowness of the water resevoir makes for a difficult pour. Many times, I will end up with water either still in the carafe, in the cone or else, spilled on the floor.
2) The use of cone filters Generally, it''s personal preference whether one likes cone filters or basket filters for the automatic drip coffeemaker and my stated preference is for the basket filter. However, even with that bias revealed, the Cuisinart still presents difficulty. Sometimes, the cone filter will bend under the pressure of the sprayed water blocking filitration to the coffee grinds and what you will end up with is filtered water. This proves exceedingly annoying.
Make no mistakes, even with the cone filter, this product could have achieved a 5 star rating if it were not for the clumsy designs of the water resevoir and the difficulties in filling it. If you have a vegetable sprayer or are a proficient master at pouring from the resevoir, then I recommend buying this Cuisinart. If you are like me and either have this coffemaker at work or if you are at home with no vegetable sprayer and are not proficient in the carafe pour, then I would suggest another product.
Buy Cuisinart DCC-1000BK Filter Brew 12-Cup Programmable Coffeemaker Now
I purchased this Cuisinart coffemaker in Oct. 2001 to replace a KitchenAid (which lasted just over a year before it died) and haven''t had the problems that some of the reviewers have noted such as difficulty pouring water in the tank, the pause feature dripping (which I seldom use, anyway because taking a cup out before the entire pot brews makes the remaining coffee more weak), or difficulty with removing & returning the carafe to the hot plate. Sounds like a totally different product! The coffee temperature is adequately hot and coffee is full-bodied (I like my coffee strong & robust, but not bitter). I got the black color which looks great and doesn''t show stains--I avoid white because I''ve had several brands which all yellowed and looked bad after several usings in that color. Overall, this has been a good coffeemaker for me!Read Best Reviews of Cuisinart DCC-1000BK Filter Brew 12-Cup Programmable Coffeemaker Here
I''ve had this coffee maker for about 9 months. It makes coffee just fine for the first several weeks. The problem is the water reservoir and the drip/filter/basket assembly are not separated. This is a problem with all the Cuisinart coffee makers sharing this basic design. I grind my own beans or use Starbucks pre-ground or similar fine-ground coffees. Coffee grounds and dust get into the water reservoir, and coffee scum builds up in the reservoir and all around the drip mechanism and area under the lift-up top. There are lots of small crevices and corners where the scum accumulates, and it is not possible to take the unit apart and clean thoroughly. Rag wiping just seems to push coffee grounds back into holes in the drip mechanism. Coffee maker cleaners like Dip-It can be used to clean the water path, but the machine is still visibly dirty inside...really dirty. I''ve had Braun, Krupps and Starbucks Barista Aroma Grande machines. Never see one with this much of a coffee dirt problem. I think eventually coffee residue of any kind in the reservoir builds up on the heating element, taints the flavor of coffee, slows the brew process and eventually gums up and ruins the heating element. Don''t buy this coffee maker.Want Cuisinart DCC-1000BK Filter Brew 12-Cup Programmable Coffeemaker Discount?
I purchased this coffe maker 3 years ago and I''m very satisfied with it. I want to purchase the water filter that comes with it, but have not been succesfull to find it here.
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