Some of us, on the other hand, live in areas where the tap water tastes downright vile--this is certainly the case where I live. I used to buy bottled water for the sole purpose of making coffee. These filters, though, have saved me time and money--yes, they really work! Since I bought the Mr Coffee coffee maker last year, I can use tap water and have coffee without the unpleasant taste of chlorine. This was certainly not the case before.
As to the price, I''ve paid just as much for two filters (as opposed to six) in stores, and what Amazon charges is much more reasonable than any other price I''ve seen for this item on line.I like my Kona coffee fresh tasting and chemical filled tap water can ruin that.
These little filters do a great job of improving the taste of regular tap water.
Sure, they are pricey, but I''ve found I can go for a few months using just one rather than change it out every month as Mr. Coffee recommends. There are alternatives to them as well, like using pref-iltered water or bottled water, but costs doing it that way can add up as well.
Overall, a decent product if you can stomach the price.
BTW, as of writing this, the 2-packs are actually cheaper to purchase than the 6pk (going by unit cost). But for some reason the shipping is a $1 more for the 2-pack! Solution: Buy 3 2-pack refills in one order and you save yourself about $2 over the cost of buying just the one 6-pack.
Buy MR. COFFEE? Water Filter Replacement 6pk Now
I know others say this product does nothing, but IMHO if you have crappy water like we do it really helps. We have really poor tasting water and this filter makes a huge difference. They recommend you use it for 1 month, but we only change it once every three months. Really worth it, you can see the crud collected on the filter too.Read Best Reviews of MR. COFFEE? Water Filter Replacement 6pk Here
When I ordered these Mr. Coffee Water Filter Replacements, I believed that I was getting the identical Mr. Coffee Water filter type that came with the Coffee Maker. What I received was 6 very cheap filters that look like grey cardboard. The company''s receipt states "no returns". What a rip off! I was hugely dissapointed, as it was a complete waste of money.Product not the same as that provided with original machine. These appear to be sub-standard. They work but are not as durable nor do they seem to be as thick.
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