- Portable washer with 1-cubic-foot stainless-steel tub for loads up to 6 pounds
- 3 water levels and 3 wash cycles; electronic controls with LED indicators
- Quiet operation; cycle-status lights; end-of-cycle signal; adjustable leveling leg
- Smooth-rolling casters; easy-installation kit with quick-connect sink adapter included
- Measures approximately 17-1/4 by 17-3/5 by 30 inches
Please let me know if you do hear strange noises. I am curious as to how many people get coins stuck inside the drum. It actually took me a while to figure out where the noise was coming from and took the bottom and back panel off, but the noise still continued. I''m not sure how the quarter became stuck in there, and still baffles me to this day. Please keep me updated with any concerns regarding noises. Hopefully, other owners or myself can help.
As far as the effectiveness of the machine, 5 stars says it all. To note, this washer machine doesn''t have a drum spindle (not sure what you call the part that takes up space in most washers), so you can actually fit many more articles or clothing and/or towels inside.
Please let me know if this review was helpful.
Update 9/2/12: Thanks for all the helpful votes. The washer machine is still running strong. Remember if you hear a strange noise, unscrew the screw in the washer basket, and you''ll probably find a coin. I still highly recommend this washer.
Buy Haier HLP21N Pulsator 1-Cubic-Foot Portable Washer Now
I recently purchased this, though not from this vendor. My living space is on the top floor and the laundry area is down 2 winding flights of stairs. Someone suggested that if I could do laundry without having it pile up, my life would be easier. So now, this is the first week I have had this installed. Admittedly, I never have overly high expectations of machinery, but I am more than happy with this.The instructions for the washer are fairly detailed. I ran into trouble over the sink hook-up, just because I did not understand standard terminology. When a friend came in to help, it took him all of 15 minutes (or less). Everything was tightened with a wrench, plus he tied the two hoses (in and out) with a fastener to position them securely. I ran the first load 5 minutes later. No leaks, in spite of what you might have read in other reviews of the same product.
I am not a big person and tonight, the load (at medium, the default setting) was:
1 pair of long pants
1 flannel pajama shirt
1 cotton sweater (in a laundry bag)
1 blouse
4 pairs underwear and 4 pairs of socks (in separate mesh laundry bag)
2 T-shirts
After reading many reviews, I leave it on the medium setting and don''t overfill it. I also got these laundry bags to protect the clothing. The spin cycle does a good enough job so the clothes dry within 12 hours on a rack in the bathroom. It is also easy to hook and unhook from the sink, and comes with wheels that you can choose to install.
I am ***very*** happy with the ease of use, convenience, portability, small footprint.
January, 2012:
Update: Towards the end of the warranty period, there was suddenly a spark and the whole thing went dead. In spite of what you may read elsewhere, I did reach a real person when I called the number listed on the instruction manual. A local authorized repair person was despatched who diagnosed it as the motherboard having a short. Haier was supposed to send the repair rep. a part, but I heard nothing, until a call several weeks later from Haier, saying they were going to replace the washer outright. There were things I had to do and instructions to follow, like cut the piping etc. etc., cut a label, include this and that. When this was followed to a "T", I did receive a new washer, again some weeks later. This immediately malfunctioned and water overflowed. It was a huge mess and somewhat of an emergency. Because I could not wait, I did not call the company but took care of it with my own repair guy. We switched the water level sensor (wrong part on the new one!) with the one I had saved on the old machine. Since then, it has worked beautifully. However, should this malfunction again, I may look for another brand To cut a long story short: 1. Save all documentation. 2. The product is inconsistent. Why would the new washer immediately malfunction with an INCORRECT PART? This was troubling. 3. If you are not in a hurry to get it repaired, then Haier does come through. 4. If Haier replaces the machine, save the old one for parts, if you possibly have room. It is because of these hassles and the malfunctioning that I have downgraded the 5-star to 3.
Read Best Reviews of Haier HLP21N Pulsator 1-Cubic-Foot Portable Washer Here
I purchased this washer from Target through Amazon last month and I couldn''t be more pleased with it. I have been reading the reviews of these the little Haier washers for several months so I was prepared for how the bottom plate works (it bulges out), for the fact that we would struggle a bit getting the screws through the plate and that we needed teflon tape and good pliers to really tighten the hose connections. We were very careful in doing all that and we have no leaks and no odd noises. The sink adapter fit my sink perfectly so I didn''t have to find a replacement. All and all, the set-up was easier than I expected.As far as using it goes, the loads are larger than I thought they would be, the clothes come out very clean and well spun out so they dry quickly. The controls are easy to understand and so far everything has worked as it is supposed to. Our household has three members, myself and two teenagers and so far it is keeping up with us and sparing us the hideous laundromat problems we had before. A load might be a pair of jeans, 3 shirts and 3 pairs of socks or a sheet, 2 pillow cases and a large towel. We have even washed some blankets.
If anything goes wrong or it develops major problems I''ll try to remember to update here but so far I''m very satisfied.
Want Haier HLP21N Pulsator 1-Cubic-Foot Portable Washer Discount?
First time using: Water level sensor does not work, over flows. Wash cycle does not work, rinse cycle does not work, spin cycle works beautifully, but water flows out of holes in back of machine and from under bottom. Clean floor, pile of wet towells.Called cust. service twice so far. Disconnected twice.
Will update review as progresses.
Haier service man out in 1.5 days.after reached them. Needs water level sensor..two weeks To get...Have full washer of water to empty.. decided best return it because he said nothig about the fact would not wash, just flashed red lights fast and still leaked.
Contacted Amazon..had new washer in 3 days.
While packing up bad washer to send back, got call from Haier service..going to be not two weeks for part but one to two months.
Haier zip...Amazon 5 star
New washer working beautifully. Have on permanent connection.
Don''t know when you are going to get a bad product, but if going to get one , rather get it from Amazon because they take care of you. They make it right.I''d been looking at this washer for the past 2-3 months. I really wanted it, but, I didn''t have a reason to justify it. This week, I got my reason. Doing 1 load of laundry here in NYC is (minimum) $5 NOT including the dryer. A lot of people who live in apartment buildings have washer/dryers in their basements. People like me, who live in a brownstone/town-house DON''T. The other problem is is it legal? A lot of landlords pooh-pooh the idea of getting washer and/or dryers in tenants apartments, because of the extra electricity drain (a lot of older buildings here don''t have the greatest wiring), and the water hook-ups (the electrical costsis estimated at $14/year, based on 8 loads week.That''s good for me!).
After studying the reviews particularly the one from Witzkeyman "Louie Arrighi" a fellow NYC''er, I felt that his enthusiastic thumbs-up (and wonderful video), I would ''take the plunge.''
Even though I ordered it yesterday, and they said I''d have it delivered by this Tuesday, I was VERY pleasantly surprised this morning, when FedEx rang my bell, and ... delivered it.
After learning the ''do-not''s'' here (particularly about installing the bottom plate correctly), I had the machine up & running within 10 minutes (not to put anyone down, but, I found that the people who did gripe about putting on the plate the wrong way, etc. would not have had these problems...if they just read the instructions, which, yes, I hate them too, but they were very easy and fast).
I''m one ecstatic apartment dweller now. This machine does what people like me need it to do; it does the day''s load. The sheets from the bed. The towels & such. It''s NOT a machine to give it a week''s worth of laundry, and that''s a blessing to me. I don''t have to collect dirty laundry all week, I can have it done, and ready for wearing the next morning.
When it''s spinning the clothes out (jeans are a great clothing item to judge by) at the end of the cycle, it really, REALLY gets the water out to the point that the clothes are only slightly damp, and not soaking wet.
Since it''s been a really hot summer here in Manhattan, it''s a perfect time to put this machine through it''s paces. Every other day (color/white alternate), I''ll put a load in after I''ve had dinner. Within about 15 minutes, the machine''s finished, and I hang the clothes up to dry. By morning, they''re good-to-go.
As I said, the reviews here on AMAZON are always very important to me, especially when I''m not familiar with the product. Besides Witzkeyman Louie Arrighi''s helpful, informative video about the Haier (by the way the name of the company is pronounced like ''higher,'' NOT like ''hair.'' If you ever see a commercial of theirs overseas they say ''dream, think, etc. Haier''), I also found Vlad from San Francisco''s review helpful. I also took note of, because, while he had difficulties, he did say that AMAZON did try to help, and I strongly agree with those words. Another reviewer (name escapes me) addressed the drying question. He said that the clothes were so slightly damp, he''d dry them on a rack or a line. Saves money, and helps prevent wear on the clothing. He was 100% spot-on.
To all of you, I owe you a thanks for your advice.
In conclusion I had a Haier air conditioner at my previous address, and got a new one when I moved here (see my review on that), and having had terrific experiences with Haier, and putting them through tough work, I was doubly-sure the Haier HLP21N Pulsator...Portable Washer would also make me happy. And it has.
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