Barrier 3 Pack Replacement Water Filter Cartridge

Barrier 3 Pack Replacement Water Filter Cartridge - For Premia And Grand, Each Filter Filters up to 95 Gallons of H2O
  • Barrier filter cartridges lasts more than 2x longer than the competition (95 Gallon Vs. 45 Gallon).
  • Each filter is equivalent to 760 - 16 oz. water bottles, which reduces landfill waste, and saves $100''s of dollars, and prevents landfill waste
  • For use with BARRIER Grand, and the BARRIER Premia style pitchers
  • Filters water of: active chlorine, organic and organochlorine impurities, pesticides, petroleum products, Lead, Mercury, Copper, Benzene, Cadmium, Chloroform and Surfactant.
  • Includes 3 Filters

I bought the Barrier water pitcher off of QVC. They failed to tell the customer where they could buy the replacement filters. I was shuffled around by the Barrier company and all of my emails to them were blown off. I was ignored and finally emailed QVC customer service, to find that QVC was just as bad and tragic as The Barrier company. No one cared. Qvc just wanted to make their money off of you but couldn''t care less if you (the customer) ever found the replacement filters. I finally had to call the "Barrier Corp." in Chicago Il. where I found a very nice man who explained that he got a million calls a day from angry customers who can''t find the filters! He finally tells me that I can get them on Amazon! With a little creativity and time on my part....I found them. They work good and I and the kids like the water, but in no way, was this product worth all this hassle!

Buy Barrier 3 Pack Replacement Water Filter Cartridge Now

These are so much better than other ones on the market.

they last longer and taste great.

If you can not buy a sink filter this is a great choice.

Read Best Reviews of Barrier 3 Pack Replacement Water Filter Cartridge Here

Would absolutely recommend these as well as the pitcher. I love that you can program the number of users and they warning that flashes when it''s time change filters. I fortunate to live in an area that has good drinking water, however these make it taste even better.

Want Barrier 3 Pack Replacement Water Filter Cartridge Discount?

i got the 3 pack of the replacement cartridge didn''t like the way it looked it has all kinds of black stuff on them so i had to keep adding water to my pitcher so that it would be clean because my water inside was black.didn''t like that at all.


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