But it sure looks very attractive as well has a industrial almost nuclear looks to it. Not that I got it for its looks: I figured that it would be best to have a stainless steel housing rather than the plastic housing that might potentially leach out contaminates of their own.
I didn''t get this filter at Amazon but rather a other retailer online that was both cheaper and had free shipping though it took a while for me to get it.The filter device i received from this seller has what seem to be the oldstyle cardridges in the two right most filters, not like the ones that Crystal Quest sells directly from their website. The stainless steel housing is good, topquality except the leak that existed on the leftmost filter housing due to the carbon block filter cardridge being longer than ideal for the container to seal tightly. After trimming the filter and reinstalling it sealed ok.
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Buy CRYSTAL QUEST® Countertop Replaceable Triple Fluoride Water Filter System Now
I had issues with this product right out of the box. One filter housing was leaking. I went to tighten it and it was already tight. Upon further inspection I noticed it was screwed on enevenly. I was concerned that once I was able to get it loose that it might be stripped and still leak. I emailed cyrstal quest directly as well as the seller/shipper. No response from either. After 2 days of elbow grease and wd-40 I was able to loosen it, re-screw it on properly, and get the thing working. Unfortunately, this is the worst tasting filtered water I have tasted. I was looking for a more convenient alternative to the gravity fed system I was using. I guess I''ll keep looking.Read Best Reviews of CRYSTAL QUEST® Countertop Replaceable Triple Fluoride Water Filter System Here
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