- Fits all GE SmartWater dual-stage drinking water filters
- Also fits other brands of housings that accept 9.75 x 2.5 inch filters
- i.e. GE GXSV10C, GNSV25CBL, GNSV30CWW, GNSV30CCC, GXSL03C, GNSL05CBL, and Culligan SY-2500
- Interchangeable with GE FXSLC & Culligan D250 filters
Buy GE FXSVC Dual Stage Drinking Water Filtration System Replacement Filter (VOC) Now
I had the tap water tested as well as the water being filtered by the GE FXSVC by an outside testing laboratory. The tap water was found to have 7 ppm (parts per million)of lead and the filtered water tested had none.I installed this filter several years ago and it has been fantastic. The water where we live is very hard and doesn''t taste good. This system has solved the problem.Want GE FXSVC Dual Stage Drinking Water Filtration System Replacement Filter (VOC) Discount?
Have used this filter for a five gallon bottled water bottle for 4-5 yrs. I am on a well and donot have my water tested on a regular basis.I use a $15.00 water tester that shows the filtered water slightly better than the tap water.
There is a red slime that comes from the primary filter of the "FXSVC" filter that remained in the canister, the "FXSLC" dubbed as the best fliter from GE had the same but only when it was new.
When I change filters, I cut the primary apart with a hack saw and discovered there was a red paper wrap. That is probably where the red slime looking stuff came from. Food for thought: is there a reason GE uses the red paper in the filters, other than for filtration?
At any rate, I continue to use the filtration unit and feel better about my drinking water because of it.
When it comes time to replace your filters you can buy them for about 1/2 of what Home Depot charges, on line. Last I used was Filters Fast, they seem to be a good company to order from.I bought these as replacement filters for my GE under sink filtration unit. It was an easy direct swap the only downside is these filters appear to be much more restrictive than my last filters so the rate of flow is much slower. Will buy again.
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