For a group of 4 people, the Royal Berkey does a great job. If you have more then say 6+ people, you "might" want to consider upgrading to the Imperial Berkey.
Be sure to purge the filters before you use them. If you just pour the water into the holding the tank, the flow might be reduced to as if you purged the filters before installing them.
I like how the Royal Berkey does not stand 3 feet off the counter top. Being 5 feet 9 inches tall, I can walk up to the Berkey, lift the reservoir lid and easily see how much water is in it.I love my Berkey and their customer service is fantastic. Lovely people. But in the 10 months I''ve had it, we''ve gone through 3 sets of filters. The first set we thought maybe it was our fault, so we bought more. that set we discovered that the glue sealing the candle into the base was defective. customer service confirmed that that happens sometimes and sent us another set for free. The water started tasting bad again a few days ago and now is undrinkable, seems worse than our yucky tap water. I checked to see and one of the candles is totally free of the base. Water simply pours through instead of going through the candle.
I also have a problem with the fluoride filter, because it is so difficult to clean the system with it on. You have to carefully lift the top canister out so that you don''t accidentally knock the fluoride filter and possibly break the connecting part. then you have to carefully unscrew the fluoride filters while someone else holds the canister because you can''t lay it down on the side without breaking the connecting parts. All the fluoride gravity filters I''ve seen are the same design. I used good quality ceramic candles for years and didn''t find them difficult to handle, but these black filters are harder to maintain and the piggyback fluoride filter is more than I can manage alone. I''d keep using it in spite of the inconvenience if the filters were just reliable, but now I give up.
update 9/3/2011
We switched to the ceramic candles and were very happy with them for a month until our source water got contaminated. There was no apparent change to either bacteria or the bitter taste (chemical contamination?). The filtered water got a rotten smell after 24 hours at room temperature and gave me diarrhea before that. I went back to bottled water, but got chemical sensitivities from it. (I''m very sensitive get headaches, dizziness, gallbladder pains from drinking water from plastic bottles.) I then tried putting that water through the filter, and it looks like it''s going to work for the 2 brands that don''t have much plastic or chalky taste to begin with. I couldn''t tell a difference in GV spring water that smelled and tasted more plasticky.
I''m sure I''ve read that these original Berkfield ceramic filters are used by aid agencies in Africa, but I''m no longer sure I believe it.
Buy Royal Berkey Water Filter System With 2 Black Berkey Filters Now
We used to use a Brita filter, which was better than nothing but the replacement filters are expensive, the amount of water they will effectively filter is fairly low, and for the number of us, it wasn''t adequate. When I found the Berkey Light filter online, I was intrigued and ordered it. WE HAVE NEVER REGRETTED IT FOR A MOMENT. The water tastes wonderful, the drip rate is good as long as I don''t let the black filters go dry, the bottles stay clean (we filter tap water, but are prepared to use less favorable water if needed), and the fact that the minerals are still present, minus the heavy metals and all the cysts, chlorine, etc that are filtered out, pleases me, as it keeps the water tasting good. I need to replace filters now, as I have really pushed them past their filter limit and they have slowed down. I have recommended this product numerous times, and will continue to do so. It''s too bad some folks have been unhappy with theirs, but perhaps this system just didn''t fit their lifestyle or expectations. I love that if things get crazy in this country, that I will still be able to get clean water with this filter. I have taken the unit apart several times to clean it and such, and have had no problems. Yes, it''s a bit difficult to snap them back together, but I place the base on the floor and use my body weight to get the top back on right. Once they''re together right, they are secure. I plugged the hole in the clean-water resevoir with a clean cotton ball to keep the little flying bugs out, and it allows the air to escape as the water displaces it while the base fills. I add water daily to the top, as we love to drink and cook with clean, healthy water. Think about whether this kind of filter is what you need before you spend this kind of money, but personally, I''d do it again in a heartbeat. Great product! We love it. You can''t take an under-the-sink filter with you if you have to move very quickly, and in an emergency situation where municipal water systems fail (such as local or national disaster situations or the possibly-coming-soon-to-your-neighborhood catastrophy scenarios that accompany severe civil unrest come on, folks, open your eyes and look at where this country is headed!), I will be utterly grateful to have a reliable method of obtaining clean water even when only dirty water might be available.Read Best Reviews of Royal Berkey Water Filter System With 2 Black Berkey Filters Here
I ordered this in hopes that it will at least help with the problem we have in this area with well water that has a sulphur taste and smell (YUCK)!. Today there is only a slight smell and taste so I can''t tell yet just how much this Berkey will help when we have those days when the smell is horrible (fills the kitchen) and the taste is something you only taste once and never again. If you smell the sulphur, you learn quickly NOT to taste it!But as I said, today there is only a slight sulphur smell to our well water. I got my Berkey assembled with absolutely no problem and have no problem with leakage around the spigot. The instructions didn''t really spell out the correct placement of the washers on the spigot, but the instruction booklet did under the "Leaking Spigot" section. The white beveled washer goes on the outside with the beveled side facing the chamber. I''m 66 years old (almost :), and I am small, yet hand tightening it as instructed in the booklet worked like a charm.
The water is GREAT! No sulphur smell and no sulphur taste. I researched this sulphur problem on Berkey''s website and it was stated that (perhaps) not all of the sulphur smell or taste will be taken care but most of it should be. Again, today the sulphur is only slight, but it took care of it completely. The water tastes great and I''m very pleased! I will test this out further when we have one of those days when we have a heavy sulphur content and try to report back.
We are VERY rural and my husband has extreme health problems (cancer) and I don''t want to be running back and forth (55 60 mile round trip) to the store for water. I have high hopes so far that this is our answer. My husband and I moved here two years ago and we had the existing well re-dug and for quite some time we had wonderful water, but no longer. Between the gas and the cost of water, if this Berkey keeps working the way it seems like it is going too, we''ll save quite a bit.
If this Berkey doesn''t do a great job on the days when the sulphur is horrible, I will just start purifying the water on the good days and put the water up. Anyway, I''m more than satisfied with this product!
Edited: This company is far beyond great! I had called them about some missing washers and a nut from a view window I had ordered from another company here on Amazon who would not take care of their mistake and send the missing parts. This company (Royal Berkey) said they had them and even though I didn''t order this view window from them that they would send me the washers and nut FREE of charge. They actually took it upon themselves to make up for another companies sloppiness! Never have I seen a company care so much for the individual (not just their customers) that they would, at their expense, make up for another companies mistakes. Wow, just wow! Wish I could give this company a 10 star rating!
Want Royal Berkey Water Filter System With 2 Black Berkey Filters Discount?
Unit assembled easily. All you do is screw in two cartridges and stack it together. If you get the white fluoride filters to add on, they are a little clunky. I no longer buy gallons of water every week, our family takes this unit camping, and if were out of power and clean water after a hurricane or storm, we aren''t out of clean water! Lake water tastes fantastic and so does my tap water here in the city, not to mention morning coffee. This is the water we cook with too. It is exactly what I wanted and expected after a lot of research.
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