ISPRING Reverse Osmosis Water Filter Automatic Shut-Off Valve Jaco-fitting ASV #AAS1 Save 60% Off

ISPRING Reverse Osmosis Water Filter Automatic Shut-Off Valve Jaco-fitting ASV #AAS1
  • iSpring® Automatic Shut-off Valve (ASV) - Jaco Fitting
  • Compatible with most Reverse Osmosis systems (including brand names) in the market:
  • Allows your system to turn off the water supply when the tank pressure reaches approximately 65% of the supply water pressure;
  • 1/4" fittings
  • Nuts not included

Looking at the photo, one would deduce that there are three (3) ports on this valve. Three would work fine. But what I received was a 4 port device. The difference is that if you don''t have a blocking plug for the 4th port, you have a problem. However since for me this was a replacement, I had the blocking plug and it worked fine on my system.

Delivery was perfect and on time, so this would be a five star except for that small detail.

By the way, it came with two jaco fittings which was unexpected and welcome.

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