The water tastes great, the pitcher fills pretty quickly, it''s easy to clean and the filter changes easily. The LID is an issue, but a very small one for me personally. It does flip off easily, but that is solved by just pressing it with your thumb when you pour. A very minor inconvenience in an otherwise excellent product.The lid is not only made of fragile plastic, but it also fits loosely on the pitcher. There really is no good grip to lift the lid. My first time, I dropped it, and the lid broke. Otherwise, it works well.
Buy Culligan PIT-1 Water Filter Pitcher Now
Reviews complaining about the Culligan pitcher must be mistaken. We bought a Britta pitcher at a local store and were really disappointed. Black pieces kept coming out of the filter, even after over a dozen rinse-throughs, and the water tasted terrible. The lid barely stayed on even when we weren''t pouring. We returned it hoping to exchange it for another brand. Every store in town carried only the Britta. Finally we searched online for a different brand and found the Culligan. Pours perfectly every time, lid stays on tight even when there''s still water in the top, and the water tastes great. I would highly recommend it over the Britta and in general.Read Best Reviews of Culligan PIT-1 Water Filter Pitcher Here
Let''s go over the good stuff first:------------------------------------
I have no qualms with the build quality of the pitcher. It''s pretty sturdy, and the lid, while cheap, does its job well and has never fallen off while pouring.
The pouring action is smooth.
I especially like the size, which is perfect for 1-2 people.
Now, the bad:
The taste of the water is downright awful. As some of the other reviewers have said, it''s somewhere between old lemons and licking a burst car battery far worse than water straight out of the
tap. And this is after rinsing out and dumping about 5 full pitchers of water. The problem is the filter, which must be possessed by some demonic force to produce water so consistently foul.
The odd thing is (and I actually ran this experiment), the water doesn''t taste bad right away. The flavors of doom seem to leech out of the filter once you leave the water in contact with it for more than 10 minutes, which is quite an unsettling thought.
There may be some good filters out there (as there are some rather positive reviews), but I apparently got a bad one.
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I''m not sure what''s expected but I timed the filtering: To filter one full load took 7 and a half minutes. That fills aprox 2/3 of the pitcher which is plenty of water for the dinner table. But I wouldn''t call this thing the speed deamon of pitchers.Bottom Line: It''s a good deal for the price, the plastic is somewhat cheap, the lid does have a poor design but totally a non-issue as it will never fall off. buy it.
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