If they made this in an unscented or made the smell about 100 times less potent it would probably be a fine product, but the smell really is a show stopper, it''s that bad.I popped in here to review this product because I love the concept. Love the ease of use and think it does a fab job of keeping the bowl clean. At the end of the week, if there''s any left, you can swish it around the bowl for additional cleaning. Yes, this scent is rather odd--I had to get used to it. I''m going to try the citrus scent next. Very easy to use, compact, and I think it''s a winner!
Buy Sc Johnson #70091 Sb Toilet Cleaning Gel Now
I bought this product a few days ago. After the requisite pre-cleaning, I applied it to the toilet bowl in my master bathroom. My entire master bathroom and LARGE master bedroom now reek of bleachy toilet cleaner smell. I hate it, I won''t use it anywhere else in my home and I wouldn''t recommend it to anyone. Unless you like that cleansery smell, DON''T USE THIS PRODUCT.Read Best Reviews of Sc Johnson #70091 Sb Toilet Cleaning Gel Here
Not only does this do nothing to clean the toilet, but it also has a strong unnatural almost toxic scent to it. It is like a Glades candle gone wrong. It activates my gag reflex when I walk into my small bathroom. I imagine if I stayed in the bathroom longer, the smell would also give me a headache.Each glob of gel also lasts less than a week long, so you will finish this stick in about a month. I am a huge fan of scrubbing bubbles cleansers, but this was a huge disappointment. I''ve used these for 5 weeks now. They simply do not work. I still get red water rings within a week, just like I did without.
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