I am, so far, very pleased with this sytem. I think it is a wise investment.
Great tasting water without the chlorine smell or taste at a great price! It doesn''t get much better than that as far as I can see!!!!!!!No, the title of this review isn''t warning you about making kool-aid in a water purifier. Rather to tell the truth about carbon/charcoal filters. They don''t go bad. I''ve been using this filter for 9 months now filling it up three times a day, but more to the point, I used to work with a large water filtration team in charge of cleaning up an EPA superfund site. They had great big tanks full of sand and carbon to filter out a bunch of little nasties that you and your tap water can''t even imagine. When the flow was restricted they''d just shoot the water back the other way for a bit and then return to normal operation. The carbon (little black sand) in your filter does not go bad, no matter what the manufacturers tell you. That''s how they make their money, by selling you a plastic cup filled with black sand every couple of months. The filter, over a very long period of time, may become clogged. If that happens, take it out, run water over it, turn it upside down, bang it on the counter, I don''t care. Whatever you do, buy another filter only as a last resort.
Let me repeat this. These filtration people are selling you a cheap plastic tub with sand in the top and a nozzle on the bottom. The only high tech thing about this is the electronic filter-alarm doohickey that I''ve never even turned on. Use it until the water just won''t go through it any longer. By that time you''ll probably just want to buy a brand new one.
Edit: I was trying to make as simple a statement as possible about how infrequently you REALLY need to change your filter. The activated charcoal inside the filter can absorb so much more than the company would have you believe. If you use this for a city water source, the only thing you''ll really need it to filter is chlorine. If you begin to taste chlorine in your filtered water, change your filter. I use mine for well water, so all I need is to filter any detritus that may come up from the ground. Therefore, as long as the water flows, I won''t need to change my filter.
I hope this will satisfy the further questions.
Buy Brita 35530 Ultramax Dispenser Now
This product is markedly inferior to its main competitor, the Pur 2-Stage Dispenser. Specifically, I found two main flaws:1. The spigot draws water from at least an inch and a half up from the base of the dispenser. As a result, quite a lot of water is left inaccessible for drinking, even after tipping over the dispenser.
2. Even more infuriatingly, the spigot''s connection to the main housing is so poorly designed that it eventually starts to leak water all over the place. The first dispenser I purchased started to leak after 1 week. I dutifully exchanged it for another one, which proceeded to leak after about 2 weeks. It appears that the "O-ring" that connects the spigot to the main housing shrinks when it gets cold. . . a rather fatal flaw for an item intended for use in a refrigerator.
Despite being a lifelong Brita user, I exchanged this product for a Pur 2-stage dispenser. I am now converted and will never go back. The dispenser is rock solid, and the water even tastes better!
Read Best Reviews of Brita 35530 Ultramax Dispenser Here
With a product of this capacity I expected a better product. The current design had my common sense kick in to simply purchase a sink attachment filter after a few tests over a 90 day period. Well ok, the last 60 some odd days of use, the first thirty I mistakenly trusted the design to perform.I like brita and filtered water, but I had to throw this out.
Mold, slimes, and a few other items that are hazardous to a persons well being are the main issue. Even with weekly cleaning there was some biological return. The worst was testing the filter after 58 days.
The filter itself contained a plethora of microscopic crawlies. Nothing fatal, but we cultured a bunch of varieties that cause bad breath, stomach, and throat issues. All of which were also found in the ''clean'' water in the well below.
Three kinds of fungi had invaded a previously pristine, chef quality, fridge. All growing from the protected colony in this huge reservoir.
I''d have to recommend a smaller capacity pitcher or in a family sized home a faucet attachment. If you are going to pay for something to give you clean water, you might as well get clean water.
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Many of the negative reviews that claim mold problems are actually authored by the same person. After viewing some of his/her reviews of other prodcuts, I noticed another "mold" review for an unrelated product. I think it''s safe to say that the reviewer has issues with mold, and that it''s not a result of the brita filter.We''ve been using this product for 8+ years with no problems whatsoever. Only drawback (other than price they should give these away for the amount of $$ you''ll spend for filters) is that it''s heavy when full and awkward to fill.
I just purchased a second unit today to use in our weekend house. Definitely would recommend if you like brita products and are tired of refilling the pitcher constantly.
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