We read that the UV lights are supposed to kill mold, so we put the light right over some mold in the shower and left it there. This is a littlbe bit of mold that we''ve tried to get off for a long time.
We came back and scrubbed the mold the next day (forgot to do it the same day), and the mold came right off.
I heard New York is using UV light to sanitize water, and I know some pools are using it too. I''ve also seen a cool gadget for hikers that kills bacteria/viruses in drinking water using UV light. So, even though I really can''t "see" it working, I think it does help especially for computer keyboards, phones, etc.As other reviewers have mentioned this can be a big pain in the tookus to use. I did spend the LONNNNNNNNNNG time going over my mattress with it and noticed a marked improvement in my asthma. I would not use this for hard surfaces tho. It''s perfectly safe and everything, but I have a life to lead. I''m glad to have it on hand so I can disinfect soft surfaces or things like that, but really if you have a family (which I don''t) and a sick or vulnerable person in it.... you probably have more to do than passing this wand verrrrrrrrrry slowly over everything you own.
I am really glad I got it for the bedding tho. My sinuses are much better for sure. When you sleep you are at your most vulnerable to your allergies and asthma. But make no mistake, you are going to be stood holding this thing over your bed for a WHILE.
Buy Verilux CleanWave Sanitizing Light Wand Combo Pack NEW Now
I CAN BREATHE AGAIN!! NO JOKE!!I reluctantly bought this thing as a last resort due to the issues and problems that I had with breathing horribly at my house to almost Asthmatic symptoms.
I could not understand how a very fit guy like me could not breathe or sleep right, even on my Tempurpedic bed when at home ( I had no problem breathing outside or at the gym!)
After reading mostly great reviews and some horrible 1 star reviews on Amazon, I took a chance and bought this thing with Both large Wand and portable wand.
I CAN CLEARLY TELL YOU, THIS THING WORKS!! Directions are to have the bulb close as possible to bed/carpet/kitchen/etc and NOT more than 1/2" above the surface to get maximum effect of cleaning... the longer you cover the area, slowly waving across, the better it works obviously.
The first thing I did was MY BED and Room''s Carpet (basically everything)
About a minute after, I can smell like a sanitized smell, as if I washed my blankets with bleach or something , THAT''S ALL THE DUSTMITES, FLEA EGGS, BACTERIA, AND H1N1 STUFF BEING DEAD!! What''s funny is that it doesn''t even look or seem like it''s working when you''re just ridiculously waving this wand across with this small bulb that''s supposed to magically kill bacteria.
The night that I slept after the treatment, I slept very well but shorter of 7hours, and actually woke up refreshed!
Before this I would sleep 9 or 10 hours still wake up groggy: I could only attribute this to my breathing in Dustmites, Bacteria, Flea Eggs, etc or I don''t know what throughout the whole night sleeping that had badly impacted my sleeping pattern, that I''ve had all this time prior to getting this thing.
Bare in mind, that I''ve read some kids get bloody noses from bad/unknown infestations. I just used to get the worst sleep and sometimes could not wake up properly. You want proof?? I just looked this up on Youtube under:
My Fox News 8 Deal or Dud?: Verilux CleanWave UV Wand
They basically confirmed my personal test findings.
Unless some of the 1 star reviews here are coming from a wand with a broken UV-C bulb or from a cleaning product company''s trying to prevent the public to find out about this product or they basically have a personal maid''s cleaning their sheets and rooms on a daily basis or they basically live in a hospital, then this product is not for you. But for a normal guy like me who never worried about dustmites, pet dander/fleas eggs, or bacteria on bed, I can tell you that I am a convert. THIS THING WORKS!
If I had to pick a downside, I wish the rechargeable battery lasted longer on the big wand (It lasts up to 30 minutes after the first full charge)
After that, it relatively gets recharged pretty quickly with its AC cord, maybe 30 to 45minutes ( I didn''t check exactly)
With the portable wand, you want to invest on some good rechargeable NiMH AA batteries (four of them) with a charger, but again it doesn''t last that long. Maybe get another set of batteries...
I also do not know how long, or relative life expectancy of the UV-C bulb but hopefully it last 1000''s of hours like a LED bulb or something.
The only way I can put it is, INVEST in this device for your health. You won''t regret it.
Read Best Reviews of Verilux CleanWave Sanitizing Light Wand Combo Pack NEW Here
The product came intacted no damage. The little one has a sticker to remind to take out batteries during non-use. The big one come a timer to help a person be aware of how long they have held over an object. They both come with a safety feature to turn off when turned up. I bought this as an added way to clean the bottom shoes, tooth brushes, pillows, laptop key boards and other objects that are to use cleaning material on. I bought this also, to help clean my cpap machine. I have to still flush the machine out with water, but this is just more added protection.A person got sick from somewhere and their cold was very mild and no one else got sick.
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This could be a great little tool for disinfecting doorknobs, faucet handles, TV remotes and such when traveling BUT how do you know it works? We put our faith in the manufacturer''s claims and use it mostly in motel rooms.They are light and easy to use and don''t put much demand on the batteries. If effective they are a boon for travelers who want protection from whatever germs the previous occupants (and housekeeping staff) left behind.
The only problems we found were that you have to move slowly and their eye protection feature doesn''t let you do the underside of fixed objects like faucet handles and door knobs (the unit shuts off when you rotate it from vertical orientation).
Overall we recommend this for health-concious travellers.
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