I have heard that for some, pouring water in the brewer each time you want a cup took some getting used to, but this is another aspect I love regardless of whether I want a quick tea before work in a small mug, or a coffee or even soup in one of my huge mugs if I''m going to laze around and read, I don''t have to worry about my mug overfilling or filling only halfway. The amount of water you put in is pretty much the same amount that comes out (slightly less). There is enough room to fit a travel mug or a taller mug if need be the bottom drip tray comes right out.
It''s also very clean. There are no wet filters to touch, no wet coffee grounds, and the pods are compostable! You just pull out the pod drawer and can dump it right into your green bin. Voila! Ready for another cup!
I STRONGLY recommend this machine to anyone who likes new toys, hot beverages, and great quality. It really is such a simple yet amazing machine.
Very much worth getting!!!I purchased mine from Reunion Island (reunionislandcoffee.com) before it was available on Amazon, and they included about a dozen pods (including a couple of tea samples) from various companies.
I''ve only had this machine for 3 or 4 days now, but I wouldn''t trade it for anything. I''ve always hated throwing away pots of coffee from my Cuisinart (and the 10 other coffee pots I''ve tried) that were still half full because they tasted lackluster and were invariably bitter from staying on the burner too long.
This is perfect for one or two people. I can make 1 cup at a time, which is delivered at a temperature of 200 degrees, and I can choose from a huge assortment of pods and on-line companies (try The Coffee Artisan at thecoffeeartisan.com) while feeling at ease that I''m not adding to the landfills. Love that I can use a travel mug too.
It''s inexpensive to buy the pods, which if you only drink about two cups a day comes out to 39 cents a cup over the course of a year for the pods. If you drink more than that, your savings are even greater. When I consider I was spending $1.35 five days a week (using my own mug and paying the ''refill'' price at my local drive-thru) my savings are much more substantial.
It''s very easy to use and is quite attractive yet takes up less room than my other ''normal'' coffee maker and it''s very fast: the coffee is ready in 30 seconds. Since it''s dispensing hot water, you can also use it for tea, hot chocolate, soup, etc.
There is a huge amount of information and a great in-depth review of the product at a website named "Single Serve Coffee" which not only discusses this product but all the other single serve machines:
Fantastic product!
Buy BUNN MC MyCafe Single Serve Pod Brewer Now
I''ve had this brewer for a few days now and I feel it rivals any top of the line pod brewer. The coffee it brewers is tasty and very hot. I like the fact that it has a stainless steel tank. As indicated by another reviewer the only downside is the fact that there is no water tank resevoir but you quickly get use to it. It has good clearance for a travel mug and the grill is removable for an even taller cup. One of my better recent purchases.Read Best Reviews of BUNN MC MyCafe Single Serve Pod Brewer Here
This is my third POD coffee maker (commercial BUNN MyCafe at my office, and My Invento). It is by far the best. Better in most ways than its $400 commercial cousin. Great coffee, easy to keep clean and use, fast. Takes up very little room on a counter. Fit and finish are very good. This looks and feels like a quality product. I think it makes very good tea too. I make 2-3 cups each morning and lots more when guests are over for dinner. Here''s some advice for best results:1. Use good coffee PODs. This machine makes a cup that can distinguish between bad, good, and great coffee. This is the first POD maker that allows subtle differences between PODs to show through. Find a good on-line seller of coffee PODs and buy them. (I like Coffee Artisan but there are others).
2. Match the water amounts to the POD size. PODs come in different sizes. This machine can take the bigger, 12 gram PODs. I use 8 oz. of water for a 12 gram POD. This is less water than many of us would guess. I find using an 8 once measuring cup the easiest way to fill the My Cafe machine. If I use a smaller POD, there is one variety that I like which only comes in a 9 gram POD, then I use less water. The machine is fast so that second and third cup are ready in a flash. Do not use too much water unless you like weak coffee.
3 Always use the pulse button. The instructions recommend this for stronger coffee and for tea. Other forums have users always leave that feature on.
4. Use tea PODs for tea. Do not expect great results if you use regular tea bags instead of PODs that are shaped to work in a single serve machine.
5. Use TAP water. BUNN has released information that says the water displacement "reads" minerals in the water to determine how much water you put in and how much should come out. This means that there are issues if you use distilled or other super-pure water.
I love this coffee maker. I have bought one as a gift for my Father. I would buy it again if this one breaks. I considering replacing the commercial version in my office with this "home" version.
Want BUNN MC MyCafe Single Serve Pod Brewer Discount?
This is a sharp looking single-serve brewer that unfortunately to me turned out to be a big disappointment. I am normally a big fan of Bunn (and an even bigger fan of coffee), but I definitely feel that this is not near their past product standards that I have previously enjoyed. Initially, the water reeked of plastic. I think the water is heated too much for all the plastic parts in this machine. I spent two days running a combination of water and vinegar through the pulse and brew cycles to get rid of the strong plastic odor (this appears to be a common complaint). It took more than 80 cups (no exaggeration) to get the smell to a tolerable level that didn''t overpower the coffee. That leads me to my next complaint. The pods are recommended for 8oz to 14oz of water but are horrendously weak at 8oz. I can''t imagine anyone enjoying them at 14oz. I tossed most cups of complimentary brewed pods down the drain. My suggestion to Bunn: use metal parts inside, and require larger pods for this machine or claim smaller production.I followed the setup instructions and found that the machine holds back about a cup of water that remained unaccounted for (2 cups in for the initial 1 cup out, and then 1 cup in for every 1 cup out afterward). It appears to hold back a full cup of water from the brew cycle which probably can''t be healthy if it always sits with a cup of water in it. Other than that, setup was easy. It brews hot and fast, and was good for tea, but none of the pods supplied provided a good cup of coffee, even at only six ounces of water -less than half of the 14 ounces that they claim in the product description. Even aside from the price of this unit, I see no advantage in this unit other than the brew cycle time. It still requires setup and cleanup to make a cup of coffee, and I was surprised that it has as large of a footprint on my counter as my 12 cup coffee maker. After having used and been a fan of Bunn''s commercial lines and home products in the past, I feel that they really dropped the ball on this. While the pods may be more environmentally friendly than the plastic K-cups of other single serve coffee makers, I think I would rather just use a small 4 cup coffee maker with a filter pack, which requires the same amount of labor to make coffee, takes up less space, is much less expensive to buy and use, and in my opinion, makes a better product.
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