- Replacement Filter Cartridge Model Hhc
- For Original Royal Hand Held, Shower Falls and Hose Filter
- Includes 2 Filters In Package
- Replace Every 3 Months Depending On Water Conditions
- Directions Are Included Inside Package for Simple Assembly
Thanks for any replies.
UPDATE: I have made a phone call to New Market Naturals and they told me the Sprite filters are exactly the same as their own.
I have very hard water which has taken quite a toll on my hair and skin. I ordered the "April Shower APHH Handheld Shower Head and Filter Includes Pulse Massage" in Feb. 2010, I have noticed a notable improvement in the my hair and slight improvement in my skin.
This is a very nice and affordable option to helping improve the water quality in a rental unit where water hardness/softness is not a tenant responsibility.
Since, at this time I noticed the New Naturals brand replacement filters cost less, I will order them vs the Sprite.
Buy Sprite HHC-2 Replacement Shower Filter (2-Pack) Now
My family has used this product for several years and we really enjoy finishing a shower not smelling of chlorine or with paper-dry skin.We get three to six months of use from one cartridge.
Read Best Reviews of Sprite HHC-2 Replacement Shower Filter (2-Pack) Here
This filter seems to do a good job... at least it lowers the chlorine smell of my water. You can also reverse it after a few months to get more life out of it. I would say they seem to last about 6-8 months before they are "full" and need to be replaced because they are reducing water flow.Want Sprite HHC-2 Replacement Shower Filter (2-Pack) Discount?
We had originally bought this product a healthfood store and were sad when it had closed down after many years. I couldn''t find this replacement filter anywhere. So glad I ordered it here. No chlorine smell and fried hair looks. Gentle on your eyes and lungs in our heavily chlorinated area. Will buy from vendor again :)I love having a shower filter. The water feels better and smells better. Once I replaced the original filter I could not believe what it looked like and smelled like. The water flow started slowing down after seven months, so I replaced the filter. I also fill one gallon wine bottles with this shower water and this is poured into my drinking water filter. So my drinking water is twice filtered. My shower cleans up much better and my hair looks good also. A very good buy.
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