capacity is a little low because of filter size. but they compromised this pretty well. the water seems fresh and its fast. well constructed.

You know how some filters promise "clean ''tasting'' water" and then list that they filter out chlorine and hard minerals? Well, they neglect to filter VOC''s (Volatile Organic Compounds) medications in our water systems, hormones from birth control pills, viagra, etc. spores, bacteria, etc. To truly drink clean, hydrating water that doesn''t contain any long-term damaging chemicals creating by the toxic byproducts of our chemically enhanced world, you NEED those VOC''s/medications to be filtered. Any other filter is JUST NOT WORTH IT. EcoFlow filters out everything so all you''re left with is H2O. Pricey, but isn''t your long-term health worth it?
Oh and the water it produces tastes COMPLETELY clean!
Buy Ecoflo Home Water Pitcher With Water Filter Now
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