Two details make the Optimus even better than the Honeywell. First, the Optimus tanks are flat on top, so they rest stably in the sink as they fill. Second, there is a second handle on the bottom so it''s easy to lift out of the sink and carry to the base. It''s even quieter than the Honeywell which sounded like a drip coffee pot most of the time. The Optimus is also fairly quiet (NOTE: See update below).
Note: This appears to be a two-tank version of Optimus U-32010 3.0 Gallon Warm Mist Humidifier with Wicking Vapor System.
UPDATE Nov 2011: I just ordered a second one for the upstairs in our house.
UPDATE Dec 2011: After a month with the second unit in the bedroom, I feel I need to make a couple changes:
First, it''s hardly silent. In a room where you are moving around, it''s not noticeable. In a room where you are trying to sleep, it gurgles away all night. It''s not unpleasant but if you are sensitive to sound when you sleep, it may not be a good solution.
Second, if the unit is not perfectly level only one tank will drain. The other will stay full.
One last thought. Steam humidifiers all work pretty much the same way running water over a heating element. Heating water to steam tends to make sound. It also causes minerals in the water to build up on the heating element. Obviously it requires a tank of water which can/will leak eventually. Also, to keep costs down, the materials and build quality have to be reduced to some point of tolerance. Sure, you could make a truly great humidifier that never leaks but it will cost multiples of what this does. And even then, you''d need to replace seals and keep the heating element clean.
I live in Colorado where the winters are cold and dry. It''s wonderful having warm moisture in the air. It''s hard to keep the humidity above 25% when the furnace is going. I can buy 10 of these for what it costs to put a good whole-house humidifer on the furnace (I know, I installed a cheap one when we first moved in it doesn''t do anything). If this leaks, we''ll put it on a tray. If it gets worse, we''ll throw it out and buy a new one.This product really seemed like the holy grail of humidifiers -seemed good for use with hard water, holds lots of water, useful for a larger room, no fans, easy to fill, etc. I should note that from the manual, it also looks to be sold under the Kenmoore name.
Also, in case you''re wondering what a Wicking Vapor System is, the heating coils are wrapped in a sleeve which sticks into the water reservoir. The sleeve is heated and evaporates the water; minerals are left in the sleeve which is replaceable. You are supposed to check it every time you fill it up and you cannot run it without the sleeve.
My main problem was that I set this up and did not notice that the seal between the white and clear plastic on mine was bad. It leaked all of the water tank onto my carpet floor and it sat there until I noticed and this thing holds a lot of water.
Otherwise, it worked as expected, invisible steam, quiet operation. I can''t say if mine being broken is common or not.
I should note that since the heating element sticks into the water basin, that water gets very hot. Also, the tank on the left does not have a sensor to stop operation if it is removed, so I would not recommend this for a child''s room.
Buy Optimus U-32030 3.5 Gallon Warm Mist Humidifier Now
To date, I am very pleased with this humidifier. It is quiet and powerful. In fact, with the door to my bedroom closed, it actually produces too much humidity, so I''ve moved it into the larger living room. I have noticed that the humidistat does not work -once you click it off, it does not go back on, no matter how low the humidity goes. This is also true of every other humidifier I''ve ever owned, so I wouldn''t make it a "no-buy" point. My one concern is that there do not appear to be replacement absorption sleeves available for sale, which might make my purchase of this humidifier a bad investment. I hope that Optimus will make the replacement sleeves, which are critical for the proper operation of the humidifier, available for sale very soon.Read Best Reviews of Optimus U-32030 3.5 Gallon Warm Mist Humidifier Here
This humidifer uses a somewhat unique design in that the heating element is protected by an absorption sleeve "sock" that wicks the moisture up from the tray the two tanks are emptying into. Optimus uses this in order to claim that one does not need to clean the heating element. While technically this is true, one instead has to clean/replace the protective/wicking sleeve. After about 2 weeks of continuous use (using tap water), my humidifier had built up enough mineral deposits on the sleeve to start making odd noises that prompted me to try cleaning it.I have been able to partially clean the sleeve by soaking it in vinegar, but with the amount of mineral build-up that remained after cleaning, it''s clear I will eventually need a new sleeve to continue using this humidifier. Based on the amount built up over two weeks, I would estimate one sleeve will last about 4-6 months.
As another reviewer has already pointed out, replacement sleeves are apparently not available. They are listed on Optimus''s web site as part number U-30002. I was not able to find any retailers actually selling them online, although amazon does have a product page here: Optimus U-30002 Replacement Warm Mist Humidifier Absorption Sleeve for U32000, U-32010 ad U-32030, 3-Pack.
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The advertising for this item claim that it is maintenance free. However, the manual says you need to clean it eery time you fill it. The latter is the true statement. The sleeve that covers the heating element is the essential ingredient for proper maintenance, and after only a few fillings of the tank, not only was the sleeve crusted with mineral buildup, but the element under the sleeve was also covered and required a lot of scraping, still not coming completely clean. The sleeve will need replacement at additional ongoing cost, but as many other have reported, there are no sleeves either at Amazon, Walmart, or Optimus itself. Do not buy this item.
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