- NSF certified
- 2-Micron filtration
- Reduces taste, odor, chlorine
- Reduces rust and sediment
- Included in Whole House Water Filters R14 (1653-1022), U24, and U25 (1653-7508)
I know a person can get "used to" a taste after a while, but from our first visit when thinking about buying this house, I thought the water tasted great. Visiting family & guests have said the same thing. We fill our own water bottles when we leave the house and that probably pays for the cost of the filters vs. buying water.
The water straight from the well has a little sulphur odor and taste and it has a fine sand called "black iron." The Omni carbon filter traps it all.
Hint -If you can, plumb your hose bibs ahead of the filter. Your plants and grass won''t care and the filter will last longer.
Buy Omni TO1-SS Carbon Wrapped Whole House Replacement Water Filter Cartridge Now
good product, very quick ship. Now if someone could just come up with a filter that would last longer--where is the 6-month filter?Read Best Reviews of Omni TO1-SS Carbon Wrapped Whole House Replacement Water Filter Cartridge Here
I''ve been using this type of filter for about 20 years for a sulpher/iron smell and taste. Yes, these filters last about a month, longer in the winter. If you put the dirty filters out in the sun until they are completely dry, you can reuse them. If the filter is heavily stained, then I just throw it out.Want Omni TO1-SS Carbon Wrapped Whole House Replacement Water Filter Cartridge Discount?
Gets rid of sulpher smell in city water. Also filters a large amount of particulate you would not expect to see incity water. The kind of junk that plugs faucet strainers and shower heads.Removes bad tasting elements from my well water. Has excellent service life. A good value compared to other filters on the market.
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