- Replacement ceramic filters for Big Berkey and British Berkefeld Gravity Filters
- 7" in length.Includes rubber washer and wing nut.
- Super Sterasyl outer ceramic shell
- Activated carbon inside
- Filters are self steralizing and re-cleanable
Buy 7" British Berkefeld Ceramic Water Filters Now
I love our British Berkefeld water filter. had to replace a filter after it broke in a move and it was deliver fast and I installed it quick and easy!Read Best Reviews of 7" British Berkefeld Ceramic Water Filters Here
this is awesome this is the greatest brand, be aware of crap made in CHINA, this is authentic. i am very pleasedThese are a very good filter and easy to clean. The water where I live is more like rust with some water added (and it is very expensive). I pre filter first with a Brita and then run that through my Berkey. I must clean my filters and inside of my tanks every single month as the ceramic filters are getting very clogged with what the Brita did not catch. My Brita filters last 3 weeks, sometimes 4 but are then full with rust and other sediments. Bleaching the insides of the tank and running the bleach water through the spigot is very important. Also clean and bleach the entire lid of your Berkey. DO NOT GET BLEACH OR USE ANY KINDS OF SOAP ON THE CERAMIC FILTERS and do not get any water near the thread mounts. Using a firm toothbrush or softened 3m scouring pad, scrub pushing away from the thread mounts and rinse well. After cleaning, do a run through and discard that water (I head for the garden with it. I never waste water). Then you''re ready to roll for another month!Back when everyone was talking about Y2K my husband and I stocked up on some survival items. We did not have the best quality water and bought a British Berkfeld water purifer. The filters that I purchased made the quality of water better than bottled. These filters are good for 5000 gallons. I reccomend them to anyone.
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