For styling the Tassimo T45 isn''t very different than most of the other Single Cup Brewing Stations on the Market and this likely won''t win any awards for looks but it isn''t so hideous that you don''t want it in your kitchen either.
Brewing is as simple as Filling the Water tank, lifting the lever and installing a coffee pack, placing a cup on the stand and pushing brew and if desired tweaking the brew by pushing the brewing button within 20 seconds of brewing completion. Of course multiple packs might be used if you''re wanting to make more complex drinks.
So the Tassimo has okay styling, simple operation and the pros certainly outweigh the cons but what really separates it from Keurig and prevents it from being an Also Ran in the Single Cup Brewing Market?
Well, there are a few things that separate it:
First, are the bar coded coffee packets that tell the machine how to brew the product and this allows the manufacturer to give you the perfect brew right in your own home!
Second, when brewing Cappuccinos or Lattes the unit will use a multiple Cartridge approach like the Keurig but the Tassimo uses real Milk, not some powdered confection, and the bar code allows for the perfect frothing based on the beverage being served.
The Tassimo is able to achieve these things by using a Hot Water on Demand System to alter the brewing temperature on the fly and the Barcode allows the coffee company to tell the brewer the exact temp the Coffee should be and exactly how much water should be used for their product. On top of this, the system uses a pressurized brewing system to control the time it takes to brew and this process actually emulates a French Press.
Of course, some manufacturers brew on the stronger side because the Tassimo allows you to soften the brew but there''s no control for the user, to make the brew stronger and fortunately, the Tassimo single button allows for this to be done.
* Adjustable, or removable, cup stand Using pretty much any coffee mug and most travel mugs is brew and go.
* Uses Single Button operation Brew and Adjust the Strength with the Same Button.
* Built in Filtration Garbage in Garbage Out, Assures a cleaner beverage than just ordinary tap water.
* LEDs Indicate time to Descale (Clean) the unit or fill the Tank.
* Removable Water Tank No more pouring water into your coffee maker and getting your counter all wet.
* Multiple Cartridge Brewing Makes for More Complex Drinks.
* Pricing The Unit is priced competitively with Keurig models but the Coffee Cartridges are Less Expensive for the Tassimo.
* Bar Coded Cartridges Help Control the Brewing Process
* Hot Water On Demand Allows Changing Temp On The Fly.
* Pressurized Brewing System Emulates a French Press and Helps Control Brewing Time.
* Limited Variety The Tassimo library is growing but it isn''t as large as the Keurig Offerings at the moment.
The Device is much more than a coffee maker as it brews Coffee, Gourmet Beverages, Iced Coffee, Tea, Iced Tea, Hot Chocolate, Apple Cider and the Like. This is in no way limited to being just a Coffee Maker and I really wish they wouldn''t label it as such.
When we set out to purchase a SIngle Cup Brewing Station we basically had to choose between he Keurig and the Tassimo but ultimately the Tassimo won out for us as the final brewing process allowed more control to both the manufacturers of the Brewing Cartridges and it allowed us to tweak the brew strength to our liking. For some, the limited variety of Cartridges might make the system a bad choice but for others, like myself, it is okay if the quality of the product is high and the price per beverage is reasonably priced.
Overall, though, the product is very good quality all around and it is really hard to go wrong with this system but I''m only giving it 4 stars until more coffee houses get on board.OUT OF BOX EXPERIENCE
The brewer was well packaged and a pleasure to open up. The manufacturer clearly took the unboxing experience into consideration, and put some thought into it -not on par with Apple for example, but certainly more thought than I''m used to seeing from small appliance manufacturers.
That fabled German engineering is clearly in evidence here. I can personally say BOSCH also makes some amazing large appliances (their dishwashers are fantastic), but they aren''t widely known here in the states. Materials selection is great. Nice sturdy plastics, and attractive finishes that also feel pleasant to the touch. The water tank is probably the least ''premium'' feeling part of the brewer, but there aren''t any moving parts and barring a drop out a second story window, I don''t think it will be a source of trouble.
The brewer has sufficient heft that I can tell the internals are manufactured with some substance, and it doesn''t have that "disposable" feel that so many small electrics have these days. That being said, it''s not so heavy that its difficult to lift or move. Closing the lid of the brewing mechanism after inserting a t-disc provides a satisfying amount of resistance and finishes with great tactile feedback once the t-disc is locked properly in place and the brewing chamber is sealed.
The small but adequate LCD screen makes using the product all but foolproof. It tells you when to put in the disc, when to wait, and when to remove the disc. You also get an opportunity to hold the start button to dispense more beverage (if for example you wanted your beverage more dilute, or wanted to top off your mug).
Additionally, it lets you know when the water tank is running low or when cleaning is recommended. The included optional water filter is a welcome feature for me as we have god-awful water here, however I think the suggested replacement interval is a bit excessive. I replace it roughly quarterly with good results.
I have tried just about every flavor and variety of t-disc offered in the states and have even purchased some varieties only available in europe from online foreign grocery shops. I am not a coffee connoisseur, but I know the difference between ''blech!'' and ''yum!''. All of the coffee varieties I have tasted have been good to great, and most coffee drinkers should have no problem finding a variety that suits their individual tastes. The teas are wonderful, as is the Milka brand hot chocolate -try dropping a marshmallow or two in your mug and then brewing the hot chocolate on top -truly a treat. Personally, my favorite is the Chai Latte -I made the mistake of getting my friends and neighbors hooked on it as well.
The fact that the brewer reads the barcodes on the t-discs and ''knows'' what it''s brewing is really cool. This is how it automatically adjusts water volume, temperature, and pressure as well as brew time and frothing, which it appears to do by expelling steam. This seems far more advanced than other pod/capsule type brewers, which are more or less oblivious to the type of drink they are preparing.
I have no trouble finding the t-discs at Bed Bath & Beyond, or here at Amazon, and make a habit of buying in bulk for conveniences sake. Just recently I have also noticed the t-discs beginning to appear (albeit with a somewhat limited selection) at my local grocery and at Target.
I highly recommend purchasing clear glass mugs/drink-ware, as some of the specialty drinks are truly beautiful with their frothy tops and wonderful color gradients that absolutely beg to be shown off. The drinks you make at home actually turn out looking like the ones in the product pictures, which surprisingly are not merely ''serving suggestions'' as they say in food packaging parlance.
You want to enjoy a variety of specialty drinks
You and other members of your household have different beverage preferences
You don''t mind purchasing supplies online or at a home goods store
You regularly purchase beverages from Starbucks and the like, and want an at home substitute to lower your cost per cup
You entertain often and would like to serve delicious and impressive looking fresh brewed beverages to your guests
You don''t mind paying more for quality, variety, versatility and convenience
You drink coffee by the potful
You have no interest in specialty beverages such as espresso, crema, lattes, cappuccino, mocha, cocoa and teas
You are looking for a large variety of decaffeinated options -there are decaf choices, but not an abundance
You are extremely cost conscious -the cost per cup is less than retail coffee chains, but more costly than folgers and coffemate
You are extremely eco-conscious -the packaging and (as far I know) non-recyclable t-discs may send you into a carbon footprint panic
Buy TASSIMO Single Serve Coffeemaker Now
I purchased the T45 Tassimo several months ago. It consistently left 1/2 the milk, and on top of that ..milk spilled all over the machine! All I wanted was a nice cup of chai tea. Finally I returned the T45 model and decided to go one step up to the T65 model. That was the best decision! First of all the piercing for the pod was upgraded, and I am thrilled with the results. Apparently TASSIMO has received many complaints.There was not one milk spillage...and lots of other perks!! It was so worth tbe extra $40.00!!
Read Best Reviews of TASSIMO Single Serve Coffeemaker Here
First let me say; I did not want this machine. My wife bought it because she finds culinary arts, (like boiling water,) difficult... especially in the A.M. I''m too cheap to pay this much for a coffee machine and the expensive individual pods. Further, I am ethically opposed to all the packaging waste the pods create.So I was no fan of this system... until I had it for the last two years.
Now, we find it indispensable. It sees use two or three times every morning, one or two times in the afternoon and more on the weekend if we have guests. Other than routine cleaning, we have had no problems with it.
A note about the "piercing problem" other reviewers mention...
As befitting of my manly wont, I started using this thing without reading instructions. It is a tribute to Bosch engineers that I was able to get away with that for so long. However, I too noticed an occasional glitch where the grounds would spill and spray all over... which challenged my male tool-using prowess. Then I learned that you should be gentle and not slam down the lid. It would be an understatement to say, "I''m not very coordinated in the morning." If we share the kitchen during early hours, my daughter calls me "Big Foot." (It''s not MY fault she doesn''t wear shoes before 9AM!)
As my wife later learned, you can''t put the pod in crooked or upside down and expect happy results. Sometimes, when she is not yet fully awake, she does stuff like that: puts the pods in upside down, puts shoes in the freezer or puts her Blackberry in the toaster. It''s hard to answer a pop-tart.
(Really... I ''m not kidding. TWICE! We got a thick protective pad for it and attached her keys to it so it won''t fit in the toaster anymore. The jingling-keys usually alert her before it''s too late. BTW, our Cuisinart toaster still works and so does the Blackberry!)
So if we put the pod in correctly and don''t hammer the lid down, we have ZERO problems. If this machine can withstand both a Somnambulistic Sasquatch and the Terrible Telecom Toaster, it must be robust!
(minimum 4 cycles per day, 365 days X 2 years, plus weekend guests... I estimate that is over 3,000 cups o'' Joe!)
You have to wipe down the laser-window once a month or so. That takes two or three seconds. (a moist tissue works better than a paper towel)
Routine internal cleaning is easy with the (supplied) cleaning disc. (Put disc in, press button. Repeat.)
If your water is funky, you will have to run a few more cleanings cycles or use a special cleaning agent they sell. We bought another Tassimo for our daughter in law who has city water; that''s how I know. (Hers has also has worked perfectly for over a year now, and SHE makes those sticky sugary drinks with it.) Frankly, I haven''t noticed any great improvement with the cleaning agent, so we just use good water for the cleaning cycle. With our home water purifier, we''ve had no problems and the beverages consistently taste great. (I''m having Yuban this morning)
Joan Jet should write another hit: "I hate myself for loving this machine" but it really has made good coffee and GREAT espresso for over two years. It''s SO convenient! I might go to hell for the egregious extra landfill all the pod-packaging makes, but I will be wide awake when I get there.
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First off, I''ve had this for almost a year, and I have never once had any problems with it. Maybe I''m a lucky one, but it seems to me that this is how it is meant to work, and if someone had problems with it, they got a defective machine.My husband bought this for me after me insisting it would save the money from the coffee I poured down the drain every time I made it. Even though I knew the discs were more expensive, I didn''t drink coffee every day even, and this would be so much more convenient. Also I love cappuccinos. He was very skeptical and was against buying a single serve. When he did start considering it, he wanted a Keurig. I have used a Keurig many times, and have never liked any of the coffee I''ve tried (and they didn''t make cappuccinos). Every review I read, even reviews favorable to Keurig, said this made a better tasting coffee. So I finally convinced him.
He got the T45 instead of the T65 because it was cheaper and the only difference was an LCD display, which I don''t need. He got it at BB&B without the 20% off coupon I had because he didn''t want to ask me for it and give the surprise away. BB&B let him come back in after he gave it to me with the receipt and the coupon, and they gave him the difference back.
The day I set it up he was like "ok, let''s see if this is everything you said it was". One taste and he was sold!! He loved it! As did I :)
Since then, it has run 3-4 times daily (ha! so much for saving money, it has made me an addict! I drink way more coffee now than I ever did before) between the both of us. I knew in advance the coffee selection wasn''t as good as Keurig, but we only ever drink one or two kinds of coffee anyway so I didn''t care. My Wal-Mart sells two blends of Maxwell House and a Maxwell House cappuccino. I like them both. It equals out to 34 cents a cup for the coffee and 53 cents for a capp. Still cheaper than a coffee place, and the convenience to me is way worth the price difference of the bags of coffee.
For those complaining about the lack of variety, BB&B carries a lot in store now, and even way more online. When I want something different, I order from BB&B online with my 20% coupon, and there is no shipping charge on coffee. With the coupon, even the specialty coffees are barely more than I pay at Wal-Mart. And since I''ve had the machine, they have added about three different brands of coffee, each brand with several different flavors. And my absolute FAVORITE thing as of a couple weeks ago, is that they teamed up with Tim Horton''s which is my FAVORITE coffee and what I always drank with my regular coffee maker. And since I live in Michigan, I can just run to the Timmies around the corner from my house and pick up a package. Granted, it is 50 cents per cup, but I use it for my morning cup, then the cheaper stuff after that. Also to save money, I buy the really strong coffee on BB&B online and run extra water through it. Same price, but I get a travel mug full rather than a regular size cup, and still at the strength I like.
As for the machine itself, it has always run like new to this day. The descaling light just came on for the first time today (10 months in), so I will see how that goes. Nothing has ever leaked, and the noise doesn''t bother me a bit. It''s just a few seconds of the pump starting, then more quiet after that. And brews in less than 60 seconds (I''ve counted). And to add to that, I have only once ever used the cleaning disc, and have never cleaned the piercer (I know, I know, I really should). Can''t comment on customer service as I have never had to contact them.
This is a great machine, and I really hope they start marketing it better. It really should be more popular than Keurig in my opinion. But it looks like it''s headed up :)
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