Reason 1: Any water I put into it comes out tasting great (even icky "soda machine water" from restaurants).
Reason 2: After 4 hours in a car that was at least 110F, the water in this bottle was still COLD!! All the other water bottles in the car were so hot we could barely touch them, let alone drink the water!
Reason 3: It''s stainless steel, yet has a comfortable drinking spout (no metallic taste), AND a nice carrying handle, and even a very sleek ergonomic shape.
Reason 4: It comes in 4 (or more?) decent colors, so everyone in my family could have their own and not get them mixed up. Why didn''t CamelBak think of that??
Reason 5: It fits in the holder in my car--unlike other water bottles.
Reason 6: It doesn''t sweat (no condensation on the outside of the bottle), so when my kids put theirs on the wood tables, I don''t have to freak out!
Now, if I could only be paid to say that this is the most PERFECT water bottle on earth, I would then buy one for everyone person I know!!
P.S. The only drawback is that you have to fill it up often--but that''s because the water is so good, you drink more of it, and that''s the whole idea, right? Besides, what water bottle doesn''t go dry?? (The lame ones that aren''t filtered and get too hot when you leave them out. Enough said.) The product works just as described. I consider myself a huge water snob, and by that I mean I do not prefer to drink water from the tap and usually only drink water bottles. The aqua vessel makes tap water taste just like bottled water if not better. I usually place 2 to 3 ice cubes inside as well, and the water stays cold for several hours.
Keeps water cold
Makes water taste great
Water is easily drinkable though many claim it is difficult
Bottle is aesthetically appealing
Filters 100 Gallons
Does not sweat
Fits in my 2010 Camry cup holders
Due to the filter being so large the bottle only holds approximately 15oz instead of the labeled 17oz, which I guess is not a huge problem.
The weight and size of the bottle is excessive considering the amount of water it holds (17oz model in my case)
This bottle is definitely the best of its kind. I was considering buying the Camelbak filtered water bottle, but it apparently accumulates mold, and does not filter out bacteria like the Aqua Vessel. Also the filters for the Camelbak must be purchased more frequently with comparison to the Aqua Vessel
Buy Aqua Vessel Insulated Filter Water Bottle / Filtration Bottle Now
I''m an avid backpacker and water purifying is a constant struggle. I first learned about these from another hiker at a Hut on the AT. He was showing it off and I really liked the concept. You can drink water from the backcountry without having to boil it, carry an external filter, or use tablets that''s taste awful (I prefer weeks of dysentery too the taste of some of those tablets)!I have used this several times over the last few weeks and I like it a lot. It''s convenient, easy, and the water tastes fresh. I always try to give it the cleanest water source possible to not clog the filter. (I always get water from rivers, not lakes, face the bottle away from the current and generally use a shirt to filter for floaters).
My only complaint is, it''s surprisingly heavy. Every extra ounce is a big deal to backpackers and this bottle / filter is heavier than I''m use to. Despite the weight I''m giving it 5 stars because it performs as designed; the water taste great and comes through clear, It''s very durable, it seals tightly and it includes a straw for using it with pure water. I love this since my first fill up is always from a clean water source.
Read Best Reviews of Aqua Vessel Insulated Filter Water Bottle / Filtration Bottle Here
I really loved the specs and the glowing reviews and ordered the 25 oz one. I bought this bottle specifically for car use but alas it won''t fit in any of the 3 standard cup holders in my 2007 MINI Cooper. The base of this bottle is almost 50% bigger than what fits in my car.For those wondering the exact diameter, it is 3 1/4 inches. I wish this size info was available on Amazon!
Unfortunately, now I have to return it--at my expense. I hope that they will make narrower ones in the near future. I know I could leave the bottle on another seat or somewhere else in the car but that is really not an option for me.
Want Aqua Vessel Insulated Filter Water Bottle / Filtration Bottle Discount?
A recently got this water bottle as a gift. I like the larger 25 oz. size because I''m not constantly having to refill it. The insulated feature keeps my cold water nice and cold. And, this filter is way cool! When I saw the price they sell it for, I thought it was pretty inexpensive since I''d pay a lot more for all of these features. I''m going to supercharge mine and add an alkaline water stick to make the water filtered and high pH. Thanks for creating such a cool water bottle, Eco Vessel!
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