#1I bought a better, reusable, cleaning pad (from my local grocery store) that sticks to the wet jet. The pad is more absorbable, so it doesn''t leave a layer of dried solution all over the floors.
#2The cleaning bottle of solution that "can''t be opened" actually can be! All you need is a pair of pliers and the top screws right off. Put your favorite/cheaper cleaning solution inside and the top screws right back on.I have to say... I must be lucky or something. I have never had a problem with my swiffer wet jet -except the time I put a pad on upside down... or should I say downside up :) I rarely fill out these review things, but I think only the angry are reviewing this product, so I had to write. I LOVE the product. It is true, you have to get up as much free roaming dirt and particulates as possible before using it. I use the regular swiffer first and a dustbuster occasionally (I bet the combo swiffer with the vacuum would work great). If you do that and you don''t have a huge mess to clean, this thing works great. It does leave chemical on the floor, which will spot on shiny tile, but for matte tile and other sealed flooring, it works wonderfly with NO build up -it doesn''t smell bad either. The batteries last a long time. The cleaner does too if you don''t spray it all over the place -a little goes a long way. Foe the people who worry about "disinfecting" the floor... you are nuts. One stroll across the floor and the bacteria/viruses are BAAAAACK, and who eats off the floor anyway... babies maybe... good for their immune systems, I say. FYI Steam cleaning the floor doesn''t kill anything. I have one of those too, this is better. I have written enough! Get one and try it!
Buy Swiffer WetJet Spray, Mop Floor Cleaner Starter Kit Now
I got one of these a couple of months ago and at the time was fairly happy with it. I admit that I never mopped as often as I should have and actually mopped more after getting this. OK it was fun or atleast was''nt as much of a pain as mopping. IMO the drawback was the cost of the replacement pads and the unrefillable floor cleaner. In addition it does work ok at getting up spills ect and degreases but it does not disinfect. ALso although I do not have allergies the smell of the cleaner was a bit strong for me and I had to leave the room afterwards because in order for the mop to actually get up stuff you have to use more cleaner than the bottle says. I don''t know if this is because of the west Texas dirt and my own family or what. Instead of a bottle lasting a 7 rooms mine only lasts 3 times in a 10 x 10 kitchen.It is easy to use but not very cost effeciant so the search continued ... And I found something much better that is just as easy to use as the WetJet but actually cleans and disenfects and you wash the pads instead of throwing them away and don''t have to keep buying the cleaner...It is the BIssell Steam Mop!! which they sell here too.
The Wet Jet is easy to use, works ok and for 25 bucks well It may work for your budget too but again you have to keep buying more stuff for it. Honestly I cannot stress enough however that for twice the money you can get a better product, that works a lot better at mopping up messes and disinfecting and nothing else to buy. Sorry Swiffer WetJet I have found your replacement and you are going to the garage sale.
Read Best Reviews of Swiffer WetJet Spray, Mop Floor Cleaner Starter Kit Here
I just used this for the first time on both vinyl and hardwood. It''s the cleanest my floors have been in a long time.First, the cons:
1) Way overpriced, and you have to constantly buy overpriced cleaner refills, gazillions of overpriced pads, overpriced batteries (personally worth it to me, but buyer beware.) My kitchen and short hallway completely blackened one pad.
2) Yes, you have to sweep first, as it clearly states upfront.
3) Even with thorough sweeping, I found it pushed a black line of crud in front of it in many places. I carried around a paper towel for occasionally swiping this up.
The pros:
1) It gets behind the toilets no more crawling back there on hands and knees. Yay! Worth it right there.
2) Both the hardwood and vinyl felt very clean, as clean as when I''ve cleaned them on my hands and knees.
3) My spouse will still be conscripted to mop occasionally. But even with my back problems, I can get clean floors, any time, painlessly.
4) It''s faster than mopping. This is particularly true for hardwood, because we normally dry the floor with a towel after mopping to keep water from sitting on our nice maple floor. This step can be skipped with Swiffer WetJet.
Biggest pro: it works. Biggest con: $$$$$
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My first Swiffer Wet Jet finally broke down after three years of use, not bad for a product that you can buy here for $18.99, and usually find even cheaper in stores.Since I live in Guatemala, I had to wait months for a new one to arrive. Now, I am the furthest thing from a "neat freak," (as mom would readily attest) but I certainly did miss it.
Although, only when I walked...
Even though I had to pay an extra $26 for shipping and customs, it was still an incredible bargain.
Not only are my floors finally clean again, but I don''t procrastinate doing them like I did when I only had a useless old mop.
While waiting for the Wet Jet to arrive, once I did try smearing filthy putrid water from a mop bucket, and I swore never again. I just let my floors get dirty until the Wet Jet finally came.
The criticisms I have read here are ridiculous. People actually complained because they have to sweep the floor before they mop?
How lazy can one be?
I would hate to see the filth on their floors if they never even sweep before they mop!
Yes, the cleaner does spray out a few inches in front of the mophead. I couldn''t imagine wanting it any other way. If you are trying to hit a particular spot, just step back a few inches, dude.
It is best to first sweep with a broom, then go over the floor with the Swiffer sweeper which statically attracts hairs and fine particles that the regular broom misses, and then finish with the Wet Jet. Three passes, but mopping with the Wet Jet is just as easy as sweeping no bending, no wringing, no mess.
Just put it to the barefoot test and you''ll be amazed. Walk around before and after it dries, and you will cannot help but see and feel the difference on the soles of your feet.
I also have some allergies, but the cleaner doesn''t bother me at all.
The only negative is that you can go through the floor cleaner quickly, and it is not cheap. However, the pads are hardly a significant expense.
Thank god I got my Wet Jet back!
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