The filters are supposed to be changed after 50 gallons, but I''ve read that the pitcher may show "red" before the 30 gallon point. I can say that Clear2O changed their filters about a year ago to last an extra 10 gallons (I called in about the slight change in filter model numbers). Unfortunately, the pitcher is not modified to accommodate this change, so you just have to run the pitcher until it''s back in the "green" area again if your pitcher is like mine (surely newer ones accommodate this change now).
I''ve found that the filters still seem to filter about the same until after the second full cycle of green-to-red. At that point, the taste starts to get a little different and you run the risk of some sort of bacterial floaters resting on the bottom of the pitcher (at least, if you do as we do and never refrigerate the pitcher). This behavior is probably why the Clear2O site says you should occasionally clean the inside of the pitcher with vinegar, because not doing this assures the bacterial film will eventually appear. If you always refill the pitcher before it ever runs out of water, you can almost assure in time a bacterial film, which can be dislodged by shaking the water around and then looking through the pitcher at a light source. It appears to be harmless, as I found out I''d been drinking the film for awhile.
This three-pack gives you the best price per filter, and it can be sent via Prime.
Why do I put up with the "dull" taste and the potential for a harmless film? Because both the laboratory test results and my tongue tell me there''s almost nothing left but pure water, and that is what I want for tea, coffee, and any other drink I may desire, and we go through a lot of filtered water in my home.Had the Britta for a while. What I did not like was the fact that the sensor that told you when to change the filter worked on a time basis. Meaning that if you did not use the pitcher, even kept it empty, and a month went by it would tell you it was time to change the filter. On a side note I also discovered that Braun''s Pulsonic Electric Shaver Cleaning Station works on the same principle. Meaning that wether you use these products or not they will announce that a change of parts is in order (Baloney with a capital B). Enter the Clear2O Filter 3-pk. This system is by far the most efficient for it measures how many gallons of water you are consuming to determine when you need to replace the filter. Meaning, and I am sorry if I sound like I am lecturing because I am not, that if one doesn''t use the pitcher for a year and then started using it again it would continue to count the gallons. Fair is fair. The water tastes as viable as the one Britta delivered in the same kind of pitcher, the amount of time for the pitcher to filter the water much much quicker, so what is not too like? At first I was inconvenienced by the fact that you had to connect the pitcher''s hose to your faucet but once I climbed that hill I very much appreciate the performance, taste and durability. So look at me and my long winded effort! Surely a 4.5 more than 4 for the Clear2O Filter 3-pk.
Buy Clear2O Filter (3 Pack) Now
This is a difficult product to rate because the filters seem to do a good job of filtering our drinking water but it''s hard to know when to change them. When we first started using them, we went by the color indicator on the top of the Applica Clear 2O Water Pitcher #CWS100A but it seemed like it turned red very quickly. So I started keeping track of each time we filled it. We use a lot of filtered water in our household (more than I would have thought before I started keeping track) because the tap water has an unpleasant chlorine taste. We use the filtered water for our drinking water, coffee and cooking as well as for the pet''s water dishes, so filling it 6 or 7 times a day isn''t unusual. According to their website and the Amazon product page they are supposed to filter 50 gallons or over 88 pitchers of water. The indicator turned completely red after 45 pitchers.I kept using the same filter and tasted the water each time, comparing it to the tap water. The filter definitely produced a glass of water that had no chlorine taste, almost like distilled water. We used the same filter until we were up to 85 pitchers full and then changed it. I''ve found that by lifting the used filter out and pushing it back in, you can make the indicator go back to green for another (presumably) 45 pitchers of filtered water. I''m keeping track again this time around and will update this review if that changes. I plan to put a sticker of some sort on top of the pitcher then next time it turns red so I know it''s the second time around and to change it when it turns red again.
So why am I going through all this trouble to stick with this filtration system? Because the water tastes better than any filtered water I''ve tried. We used Brita and Pur filters in the past that didn''t come close. This water tastes neutral, like a distilled water. Coffee and tea made with it tastes better. And the price of the filters is more reasonable than any others I''ve seen advertised and that''s a big factor for me. It''s fast. Less than a minute to fill a pitcure with filtered water compared to 10 minutes or so for Brita. The 40 gallon filtering capability is good and the color warning code helps you know when to change filters.Have owned the Clear2O pitcher for almost two years and was happy with product. Bought the 3 pack filters when needed for around $20.00 and now they have jumped to $38.40. I''ll be looking for another alternative. Won''t accept this price increase.
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