I kept using the same filter and tasted the water each time, comparing it to the tap water. The filter definitely produced a glass of water that had no chlorine taste, almost like distilled water. We used the same filter until we were up to 85 pitchers full and then changed it. I''ve found that by lifting the used filter out and pushing it back in, you can make the indicator go back to green for another (presumably) 55 pitchers of filtered water. I''m keeping track again this time around and will update this review if that changes. I plan to put a sticker of some sort on top of the pitcher then next time it turns red so I know it''s the second time around and to change it when it turns red again.
So why am I going through all this trouble to stick with this filtration system? Because the water tastes way better than any filtered water I''ve tried. We used Brita and Pur filters in the past that didn''t come close. This water tastes neutral, like a distilled water. Coffee and tea made with it tastes better. And the price of the filters is more reasonable than any others I''ve seen advertised and that''s a big factor for me.
Update 4/9/12 So here''s what we''re doing to keep track of the filters now. We wait until the filter indicator turns completely red (about 55 pitchers full) and then keep track by marking off the next 33 pitchers as we use them. It''s kind of a pain, but it''s become a habit. At least the water tastes good.The product itself is fine. It took almost a month to get to me, though. I think that a wait of that amount is bad business.
Buy Clear2O CWF1034 Three Pack Water Pitcher Filters Now
A Placebo in My Opinion:The individual boxed version of this replacement element misleads me.
The box writeup claims this filter element is NSF certified to reduce 53 contaminants.
FSN standards:
I learned that one(1) of seven FSN standards has been designated as number fifty three (53).
FSN #53 references the reduction of seven contaminants.
This filter element does not reduce 53 contaminants. It reduces the seven contaminants referenced in FSN standard #53.
Know this: FSN standard #42 pertains to reduction in chlorine taste and odor. Understand again "reduction" does not mean elimination. Taste and odor is often a personal opinion.
I disassembled my pitcher. There is a small mechanical water meter located just before the filter element. The Meter contains a disk banded with a green, yellow and red indicator. The indicator turns as the water passes through the meter and into the filter element. The disk will eventually turn enough to expose the red area indicator after about 88 gallons passes through the meter.
To reset the water meter to green and to begin an additional 88 gallons simply remove and reinstall the same filter. The usage indicator can be reset as often as you dare. You are only fooling yourself. The meter is mechanically reset each time the filter is turned as if it were replaced. Reset the indicator meter after each pitcher refill for possible endless results and satisfaction. In my opinion these filters are over priced and labeled with misleading claims. Google the word "Placebo"
Read Best Reviews of Clear2O CWF1034 Three Pack Water Pitcher Filters Here
The water filter was recommended by consumer reports and I have been very happy with the results. The filters arrived quickly.Want Clear2O CWF1034 Three Pack Water Pitcher Filters Discount?
They filter the water, but don''t take out the calcium, (I''m assuming).We have pretty horrible water where I live. But these filters have always preformed like a champ.
What I am concerned about are the floaties and the taste of the water. It takes care of both.
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