Well, I then did some more experimenting. I tried the old tried and true WD40 that I used years ago on my stainless sink. That worked much better than the Cerama Bryte Stainless Steel Polish & Conditioner, but while doing some other cleaning and using a product called Desolv-it, the citrus smell reminded me of the original paste like KitchenAid polish that worked so well. I decided to try it on the lower section of the refrigerator, and presto! It works wonderfully. YES Desol-it worked wonderfully as a polish. I did all my appliances and my wife was blown away at the results. Obsessed with getting the perfect polish, I then decided to order some of the new KitchenAid polish to give it a try (I had read that they changed the formula). Once arrived, I tried it out. It still has the citrus smell, but seems to be watered down. The old formula was the consistency of apple sauce, and the new formula is like water. But it worked very well. It''s definitely a contender.
So the conclusion of the race for the best polish after trying many and being satisfied with only the a few:
1) KitchenAid and Desolv-It are the absolute best. They are simple to apply, require little buffing, and you will get a amazing polish that lasts for weeks.
2) WD40 is next on my list. Works great, but not quite as good as above (and may be more toxic).
3)Cerama Bryte Stainless Steel Polish just doesn''t measure up. Can''t imagine why anyone would really like it. My partially used bottle went in the trash.
Buy Cerama Bryte Stainless Steel Cleaning Polish Now
I agree with all the other positive reviews here! This is the only polish that doesn''t leave streaks. I searched on-line to find it because I am about to run out of the sample that came with our refrigerator. I have not found another brand that works as good as this one and have tried many.Read Best Reviews of Cerama Bryte Stainless Steel Cleaning Polish Here
This is the only one that I have found that works for stainless appliances. It does not leave streaks. In general, I would say that if you have younger children, don''t buy stainless appliances! But whether or not you have kids, this product is the only one I have found that doesn''t drive me crazy trying to get the streaks to disappear. Love it!Update (several years later): I have been using this product for years but the formula seems to have changed for some reason. It came to me this time in a spray bottly and DEFINITELY is leaving streaks and not working as well as the old formula. Very disappointing! I''m on the hunt for a new product! 3 STARS! I have a ton of Stainless Steel in my modern loft, including all large and small appliances. I''ve tried many SS cleaners and they all fell short. Most would leave streaks and/or were hard to use. The Cerama Bryte works great and a bottle lasts a long time. I highly recommend this product!
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