- Utilizes exclusive turbine technology for invigorating shower while saving water
- Three spray functions: turbine, full, or combination
- Auto-return feature reverts back to 1.5-gpm flow
- Up to 40 percent in water savings
- Angle-adjustable showerhead
Buy American Standard 1660.717.002 FloWise 3 Function Water-Saving Showerhead Now
We got a polished brass and a satin version of this showerhead for our parents for Christmas. The showerhead seems huge to me my hands are not large, but this is twice the size of my fist. For that hugeness and the price, I was expecting that there would also be an analog adjustment of the water stream, but there is not. There are exactly three settings: one saver setting, and two full flow settings.My brother installed the first one using a white plumber''s(?) tape to ensure a good seal on the pipe. The base setting is the water saver setting. I measured the water flow by seeing how long it took to fill up a large pot, and it was around 40 seconds. The other two settings took about 30 seconds each. This reflects the 1.5 vs. 2 gpm flow that others have quoted. At first it seemed odd that the shower wouldn''t retain an arbitrary setting, but it does make sense if one thinks about it from a water savings point of view. In other words, if you want a fuller water flow, you have to adjust for that on each shower. I''m not hugely picky in my shower flow preferences, and I thought all the flows were fine. I have been using the first two settings depending on my mood.
What I cannot fathom, though, is the customer support. Firstly, the box that the showerhead comes in contains (1) the showerhead (2) a small white plastic tepee like filter (ie. conical with a washer like portion at the larger end) (3) a single sheet of paper with a customer support number. There is no drawing, no instruction page or manual, and nothing extolling the virtues of the showerhead. In particular, there is nothing to say or indicate in which direction the filter should go. And it could fit into the showerhead in one of two ways. I''m not a plumbing kind of a guy. But to my mind, if I insert the filter with the pointy end going into the showerhead, it becomes quite difficult to remove, which would be a real problem if the filter needed cleaning. This is born out by the way the filters are in the faucets at home. Product management are you listening?
As mentioned, I''m not a plumbing kind of guy, so my logic might be completely wrong, but in any case I have to install the second showerhead now that bro is away. Fortunately, there is a toll free customer support number. I opted for technical support. Can you imagine, at technical support for American Standard, they had NO IDEA in which direction the filter should face. Ashley spoke with her supervisor. Jim had no idea either. They couldn''t find a schematic for it on the internet, they said. I double checked to make sure that this wasn''t a 3rd party contractor I was speaking with. No, no, it was definitely American Standard technical support. They didn''t have an answer for how it was that they didn''t know their own products. They said that they would have to research the matter. I got a call back in half an hour, and the first thing I heard was O-ring. I asked, "What O-ring?" After the rep again consulted with a supervisor, she came back with: insert the pointy end of the filter towards the showerhead. In other words, it will be a real bear to remove. However, there was such uncertainty in her voice that I asked to speak with a supervisor and have been dumped into his voicemail.
Update: I wound up talking to American Standard again (I think I eventually called back after no return call), and after complaining that I wasn''t getting an answer to a reasonable and straightforward question, I was transferred to Level 2 technical support (woah!) in New Jersey. I got the answer that the pointy end of the filter should be towards the showerhead, but after pointing out that this would result in difficulty with removing it, the tech allowed that I had a good point. This tech, though, was much more innovative (that''s level 2 for you) and said that the designers were just down the road, and that she would confer with them.
So the final answer that took me half a day to get to, and only three paragraphs of verbiage for you, is that the pointy end faces away from the showerhead! Thus, it is easier to remove for cleaning. To say it another way, the tepee points against the flow of water.
Conclusion: The water flow of the showerhead is good in my book. I took one star off for the large price vs. minimal settings, and one for the disconnect between customer service''s technical support and the product. In my opinion Product Management has created the problem by having not even an image of the filter + showerhead. But at least we finally know in which direction the filter points.
Read Best Reviews of American Standard 1660.717.002 FloWise 3 Function Water-Saving Showerhead Here
I saw this shower-head on The History Channel. It replaces a shower head that used about 4 gallons a minute. I love the Flow-Wise as it uses so much less water. I save money on the water bill, the sewer bill, and the natural gas bill (used to heat the water) I should have gotten it months ago!!!!Want American Standard 1660.717.002 FloWise 3 Function Water-Saving Showerhead Discount?
We live in a three story townhome. I never thought of our water pressure as being poor here, but I purchased this showerhead (due to stellar reviews on Consumer Reports) and discovered that our water pressure is totally inadequate for this product to function on the second and third settings. I thought the first we ordered was defective, only to recieve a second with the same issue. I called American Standard and discovered that indeed our water pressure was the issue. I went as far as increasing our water pressure at the mains in our utility closet, not terribly high, but probably a full 8 turns to the right on the restrictor screwthese work conversely to what you might thinkscrewing tighter clockwise provides more pressure. It was enough to make an immediate difference at the kitchen sink and other places. I tried this showerhead again and the settings would then hold but the central area still came out as a sputtering half-dribble. Do not waste your money. I am going with a Speakman product instead. Alsothis thing looks like a monster out of the boxI had a bad feeling right away, and regettably, this was a Valentine''s present to my husband who takes regular 15-20 min showers daily and it was a complete bust... Frown.I got this Flowise shower head about a week ago to replace a traditional one that wasted too much water. I was afraid that a low-flow head wouldn''t feel nearly as good as a traditional head due to reduced pressure. The Flowise head proved otherwise, at least in one of the modes:The turbine mode is the one the shower head defaults to when you turn off the water. It saves the most water by mixing the water with air. This is supposed to feel like a traditional spray, but it really doesn''t. The mixing cools down the water significantly, so you have to increase the temperature of the water. Using more hot water just wastes energy. The turbine action chops up the water which makes it feel like you are being scratched. The water all turns to mist by the time it reaches the bottom of the tub and I can''t even feel it on my feet. I don''t use this mode.
The combination mode turn turns on both the turbine and the sprayer nozzles. When you do this there isn''t enough flow to keep up the pressure that I desire, but it delivers the most water. Some people may like this mode, but I don''t use it. Suggestion for improvement: only turn on one of the spray rings on this mode.
The last mode turns on just the sprayer nozzles and feels the best. It uses more water than the turbine, but still saves enough to be low-flow. The spray feels just like a traditional shower head, and is the mode I use every day.
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