All in all this has proven to be a reliable, attractive, and overall solid coffee maker that I would recommend to others."ok guys and gals, here is my story, i''ve been using a black and decker space saver coffee maker mainly because of the removable water tank. the carafe drizzled coffee alll over the counter, the water tank could not be set full of water over nite in the maker because the water would leak out at the seal. and it made some incredibly weak coffee. but i trudged through because i don''t like the idea of pouring water into the most of the time tiny opening most manufacturers give you. all i can see is that i''m usually pretty messy anyway, so pictures of water all over the counter. and i didn''t and don''t want that. hence i wanted a pot that offered the fill in the sink. so back to the old maker, so i used the b&d for not quite a year and when you "sneak " a cup it drip drip drip coffee onto the hot plate, which now has caused the hot plate to rust out. i had almost gotten to the point of not wanting to make coffee... and i love me some coffee. so when i saw this coffee maker offered by kitchenaid, and saw that it was brand new design, and it had no reviews yet, i was very hesitant to purchase it. so much so that i have been several weeks trying to decide if i would risk it. i mean 80 bucks is 80 bucks. if it was 20 i might have risked it earlier. so anyway, i finally decided to throw some money at it and see if it would actually work. and guys, AWESOME. i love it. i only have to use half as much coffee beans and the coffee comes out way stronger than the b&d ever dreamed of. if this coffee maker lasts as long as it looks like it will then i will truly be one very happy coffee drinker. only time will tell. if i remember i''ll try to come back in a few months and do any update review, but so far i would have to say this is very much money well spent. maranatha"
*** ok, two week update... it is still awesome. the carafe pours without putting coffee on the countertop, which is awesome. when i sneak a cup while it is brewing there is no leakage, which is awesome, the temperature is extremely hot, i cut my coffee with milk so after getting the ingredients mixed the temperature is perfect. after brewing when you open the lid to clean out the old grounds it does have condensation go onto the lid for the water resevoir, but to me that is no big deal. the bold setting on the coffee gets the full flavor out of the beans. the removable water resevoir, as of this date shows no sign of leaking. so as of this update, two weeks out, i''m still on the "i recommend this coffee maker to everybody who drinks coffee, it is awesome" oh i see a guy gave this thing 3 stars, this is his only review, which to me sounds kind of odd, maybe he works for the competition. so if you are in the market for a new coffee maker, i highly recommend this one. oh and btw, i drink two pots of coffee every day, so my coffee pot gets well used. will update later on down the road if i remember
***** 9 MONTH UPDATE ***** still awesome, still glad i have it, and i still recommend it and confirm everything i have said up to this point. this is my last update on this unless something really wierd happens.
Buy KitchenAid 12-Cup Glass Carafe Coffee Maker Now
This is a good coffee maker with a very pleasing design. It is, however, the most water retaining coffee maker I have ever had. I love that the water tank is removable, and it''s a good thing that it is because there''s always a little puddle of water left in it that needs to be drained. The carafe is a nice weight and does not leak coffee as you pour. But it also retains liquid because the heavy black lip around the top allows liquid to seep underneath. This measns when you pour the coffee or when you rinse it out with water, there is no way the last bit will be removed. That darn seal will hold on to some every time you tilt to pour. The top of the coffee maker has two lids which can''t be opened at the same time. One lid reveals the coffee filter. The inside of this lid puddles up so much that it needs to be wiped dry if you are one who likes to set the coffee maker the night before. Otherwise it will leak down on to your dry coffee grounds. The other lid is the top of the water tank. This is the only coffee maker I''ve had that will not allow both areas to be opened at the same time for air drying purposes. Since the water tank is removable, this is not a major issue. I like KitchenAid products and this machine makes a good cup of coffee. If dealing with left over water is of no concern, I would recommend this product.Read Best Reviews of KitchenAid 12-Cup Glass Carafe Coffee Maker Here
I bought this coffee pot as a temporary replacement (while I wait on a part for my Cuisinart Grind/Brew so I can go back to that one). It was the least expensive "decent" coffeepot that was available in the store for immediate purchase at BB & B. I was intrigued by the KitchenAid brand, as I know their large kitchen appliances are good (my mom has used them forever), but I had never seen a coffee pot by them. We have had several Cuisinart coffee makers over the years and they are good, but most have needed replacement after about 2-3 years. So, anyway, I got this machine home and went online to see the reviews (this was the one machine that I had NOT already read the reviews on before going to the store) and was worried after reading all the horror stories about the leaking and mess. But, hubby needed his coffee at 4:30 this morning, so I went ahead and opened it up to give it a shot. I read the manual and took it out of the box, removed the packaging stuff and set it on the counter. I washed the stuff you are supposed to and when I went to rinse the carafe, I think I stumbled on something that might be causing some of those other reviewers a problem. I filled the carafe at the sink just as if the machine were dripping coffee into the top of the carafe lid. (A medium/small drizzle of water directly onto the "bubble" top of the carafe.) It was an interesting experiment that demonstrated that if the carafe was not almost perfectly level, or the water didn''t flow almost directly straight onto the middle of the bubble top, then it ran off the sides of the carafe lid. So I wonder... if perhaps some of those folks have a countertop that is slightly less than level. I know in our first home, I had countertops that were not level. Not noticeable most of the time, but it would have probably been enough to cause this issue with this pot. Also, after paying careful attention to that, and seeing that the depressed area around the "bubble" of the lid is rather small and that the REST of the lid is completely flat I set the carafe into the coffee maker. And noticed that if you don''t have the handle oriented to the direct front of the machine (if it is turned to either side) it pushes the pot out just slightly enough that the proper angle is not achieved with the bubble top and the bottom of the brew basket.... in other words, the coffee will end up dripping off to the side of the bubble enough that it will run off the lid (because it will flow outside the little depression around the bubble). If the handle is to the front, then the coffee flows straight down onto the top of the bubble thingee and it works perfectly.I also practiced (can''t believe I am even typing this) pouring from the carafe over the sink with just water as I was washing/rinsing the carafe. There was not one single drip. No matter how fast or slowly I poured. So I don''t understand the problem others are having. Maybe after some use the carafe seal will become damaged or something, but for now, I couldn''t ask for anything more!
I ran the original water only cycle to rinse/clean the machine for first time use. Then set it up for a pot of coffee. Hubby turned it on this morning in the wee hours (like 5 a.m.) and then after making his cup, poured the rest into the thermal carafe (from our Cuisinart) so it would stay warm for me, since I wasn''t going to be up until closer to 8:00 a.m. He didn''t leave it on the warmer at all... just straight into the carafe. I poured my first cup around 8:45 a.m. this morning and it was still hot. :)) And tasted pretty good... I will have to tweak it a little, but that is the amount of grounds to use, not an issue with the coffee pot itself. Anyone who says it isn''t hot, must have a different machine that what was inside our box.
As for dripping/leaks from the carafe... I guess only time will tell. But I had NO water or coffee anywhere except in the carafe where it belongs.
So, make sure your counter is level, and make sure you orient the carafe into the machine with the handle in the front (not to the sides) and I don''t think you should have any problems. I think it works great! And was certainly worth the $68 I paid for it (after the BB&B 20% off coupon).I''ve read all the comments here and think some people may have missed the point: It Brews Great Coffee! Much better than any other maker I''ve found (except maybe for a worn out Krups I found at a vacation rental unit at the beach). Yes, it has a wide carafe so if you pour too fast the coffee comes out in a wider stream than the cup can catch. Yes, the condensation that occurs on the bottom of the lid means that when you lift the lid to put in a new filter you get some water dribbled onto the top at the back. Yes, it drips slow on the "BOLD" setting, because that allows the water to pick up more flavor out of the grounds as it passes through. Yes, it leaves some water in the bottom of the reservoir. I''ve always assumed that is probably because it has a charcoal filter at the bottom in a little well, and it needs to stay moist. But since the reservoir is removable, if you don''t like this then pour it out. This KitchenAid brews really great coffee! So my advice is: pour slower; wipe up the condensation; don''t worry about the water at the bottom, and be more patient while you wait for the Bold coffee to brew. I turn it on then go out to get the paper off the driveway. It will be done when I get back. I have had one of these machines for more than a year, and I''m now buying another one for my second home because while I''m here I miss not having really great coffee. The maker that I have here now doesn''t drip, pour funny, or leave water in the bottom, but neither does it make the kind of coffee I''ve become accustomed to with my KitchenAid. Did I mention it brews really great coffee?
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