However, if you are looking for a temporary and VERY affordable fix. This is perfect. I just wish the temporary fix would have lasted a little longer.
Buy Sinkware 5049 Stainless-Steel Kitchen-Sink Strainer Now
I was so excited to receive this item because of the wide collar. It fit into my kitchen sink perfectly. I was so happy and it worked great and I was about to order another one. Thank goodness I didn''t, because within a few days it began to rust out. I thought this was suppose to be stainless steel, but apparently it isn''t. VERY DISAPPOINTEDRead Best Reviews of Sinkware 5049 Stainless-Steel Kitchen-Sink Strainer Here
This is an excellent product I found after years of strainers that clog up, lock every time you want it to stay open, and let stuff in underneath. This one works perfectly... the beveled edges are greaqt!Want Sinkware 5049 Stainless-Steel Kitchen-Sink Strainer Discount?
because of the extended rim on this strainer, it catches more in the basket. very well made i would definetly buy this product again
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