On one of the tabs you''ll find analysis results.
The FAQ page says: "There are simply too many varieties of pharmaceuticals that could end up in drinking water. By too many I mean it is impossible to test for them all. However, we do know from testing, that the purification process used by the Black Berkey elements remove more pollutants than any other system available on the market today." It also describes a test you can do by adding red food coloring to the water to be sure the filter is working. Any filter that will remove red food coloring has to be pretty effective.
Regarding the high TDS rate one reviewer mentions, the FAQ page says, "Berkey purification systems do not remove the beneficial minerals from the water but they do extract harmful heavy metals such as lead and mercury as well as sedimentary minerals such as iron oxide. Therefore, the TDS (total dissolved solids) reading will not typically change much unless there are a lot of heavy metals or sedimentary minerals in the source water."
About viruses, the FAQ page says: "Berkey is the original North American distributor for British Berkefeld, a company who makes the finest ceramic water filter available. These ceramic filters are excelent at removing harmful bacteria from sediment heavy, contaminated drinking water. It soon became clear to Berkey that a more powerful filter was needed, one that not only removed bacteria but was also in addition able to remove chemicals, viruses, heavy metals fertilizers and a long list of additional contaminants from your drinking water. After many years of research Berkey developed the Black Berkey purification element. This filter gives you all of the benifits of the ceramic filter with the added abilities mentioned above. Black Berkey purification element signifigantly raised the bar to a level that no other gravity flow water filters are curently able to attain."
These filters are used all over the world by aid agencies. You won''t find any filter on the market that will purify better. Certainly not simple charcoal filters like Pur. On this page: it explains that a water filter has to remove 99.99% of pathogenic bacteria. To be sold as a "purifier" it has to remove 99.9999%. "All Berkey systems that contain the Black Berkey elements are classified as water purifiers. In fact Berkey Water Purifiers remove 99.9999999% (log 9 reduction) of pathogenic bacteria. To our knowledge no other water filtration device in the world can match that claim."
I have had a Big Berky for 2 months, due to a cancer diagnosis my treatment plan requires drinking pure water with no added fluoride and no residual agrotoxins, etc. The Berkey filters were the best solution I could find of anything on the market and we''re loving the water and quick and easy system.I live in Thailand where all drinking water comes in large plastic containers, most of which bake in the hot sun for hours while being transported to shops to be sold. So even the best quality drinking water here tastes of plastics, chemicals and metals.
Now I simply pour this ''drinking water'' through my beloved Berkey Light and it comes out tasting like heaven! So pure, so tasteless and some how it even feels like ''wetter'' water in my mouth. Perhaps the water molecules are reduced in size due to the extensive filtering.
NOTE: if you are attaching the white PF-2 Flouride Filters be sure not to turn them more than the recommended 8 turns, I didn''t read the instructions fully and when I attached them I heard a crunch I managed to break the media screen by turning too much hope this doesn''t end up harming my health too much!
I cannot recommend this product highly enough 5 stars!
I wish I had invested in one of these 5 years ago!
Buy Berkey Light with 2 Black Filters and 2 PF-2 Fluoride Filters Now
First, the good. The Berkey water filter system works without electricity, is one of the most thorough filters on the market, and produces great tasting water. I don''t regret purchasing this item, however, I do have some gripes. For one thing, the instructions that come with the filter are REEE-diculous. For almost $300, I would expect a better set of instructions, one that was produced for my exact product, not a general sort of guide with alot of if''s, and''s and but''s concerning different optional pieces. Also, the text and illustrations looked like they were written and drawn by a fifth grader... and not a particularly talented one. Note to other purchasers: all the filters need to be flushed out with tap water using the spongy little donut thingie to keep you from spraying water off the sides of the spigot. And if you get the flouride filters, only turn them eight times when attaching or you might damage them. Also, I thought the plastic was a bit flimsy, especially for the price. I was expecting something a little more solid. On the plus side, the plastic has no BPA''s in it, which is a plus for the fellas, because BPA''s are converted into estrogen in the body... not good for boys. At the end of the day, it does produce some great tasting water, and I guess that''s all that matters. I just feel like I need to deduct a star for the pathetic instructions it came with.Read Best Reviews of Berkey Light with 2 Black Filters and 2 PF-2 Fluoride Filters Here
We live in town and our local water supply had so much residual chlorine in it that it got to the point I wouldn''t drink water at the end of the day. It had kind of a strange taste the first time we used the Berkey, but I don''t know if that is because we weren''t used to it or because it had some residual coating on the plastic. We washed ours before use, but I think if I had to do it over I would wash the containers a couple of times before running my first set of water through.One of the coolest things to do is put food coloring in the top container and watch it come out clear in the bottom. This is actually part of the set up procedure in the instructions. Set up took about 15 minutes, the threads on the bottom of the filters are fine and about an inch long so that you can thread the PF2 filters on the bottom. We haven''t actually used our PF2 filters yet. I wanted to try it without for awhile and then try it with the PF2 filters and see if we noticed a taste difference. The rest of the thing just snaps together, and is easy enough to take apart that my wife doesn''t have any issues. It is recommended that you take the bottom section apart once a month and wash it with soap to prevent algae growth.
The only thing I am not super thrilled with is the spigot. It is a pretty much standard like water cooler spigot, but it is kinda a flimsy plastic and the seals that seal it to the container are ok, but I had some leaking issues when I first assembled it. The instructions for the spigot seal are kinda ambiguous as well because they are bell shaped and can go either way, still not sure which way they are suppossed to go, but it doesn''t leak.
All in all good product, glad for the light weight and movability, but not sold on the spigot.
Want Berkey Light with 2 Black Filters and 2 PF-2 Fluoride Filters Discount?
I''ve had the Berkey light for a few months now and overall, I''m happy with it. I bought it with the intention of using it to filter out flouride or purify water in the event of an emergency. Unfortunately for my reviews, I tend to point out the things I don''t like about things. First of all, this thing is huge. If this is a Berkey light, I shudder to think what size the other ones are. To put it simply, this will not fit on most kitchen counters as it''s easily three feet tall. Next, and probably the biggest complaint is build quality. You can tell most of the technology for the Berkey light was put into the filters. The design of the unit itself is cheap in my opinion. Not only that, but I discovered the unit will leak if you leave water in the top reservoir. While this isn''t a major problem for me, it may be for some. Basically, you have to wait until the bottom unit empties out of water until you fill the top up with water. Considering the top unit holds 2.5 gallons of water, you can see how this may be a hassle for some people. Last is the taste of the water itself. I didn''t notice a difference in taste between using the Berkey and a Brita water filter. Despite all of these flaws, I''m still happy with the product however, I would recommend others to spend a few extra dollars and by one of the metal containers. Hopefully that would resolve the issue with the leaks.
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