for drinking, I need to run the end product thru a Brita filter in order to remove that "distilled" flavor. it has been a godsend for my ultrasonic humidifier.. I live in Dallas and we have some of the hardest water I''ve ever had to deal with.
My only niggle on this is the capacity. it would be fine if I wasn''t relying so heavily on my humidifier for my sinuses. but without it. the entire house fills up with that awful white mineral dust that gets in to everything and actually can trigger my asthma.
My house plants also love it. our tap water in Dallas is so hard it actually can kill the houseplants.
My fish tanks are doing much better on the distilled water as the hardness of the tap water destroys the little filters by gumming up the parts with hard, mineral deposits and I have not lost one filter or a fish since switching to the distilled water.
bear in mind, this thing puts off a ton of heat.. it''s like having a space heater on the 750 watt setting while it''s running. I tuck mine in the back bathroom in the part of the house I rarely use because of the heat. especially in the summer.The distilled water tastes like plastic has been melted in it. Gross! Apparently this is melted glue and is supposed to go away over time. I''m losing my patience as I have distilled 10-15 gallons of water it and still no change in the taste or smell. I will give the distiller credit for removing dissolved solids though consistently 1-2ppm. The only thing I would recommend this distiller for is watering your plants as it produces acidic water in the 5.5 to 6.5 ph range.
Buy Westinghouse W15120A/SA98910 Aquavie Healthy Water System Now
I ordered this item about a month ago. A week or later after my order I sent an email to the seller, and found out that it was on the back order and they promised to ship it in two weeks. It arrived about two weeks later, as they mentioned. The distiller looks and feels well-built, even though it''s mostly all plastic. Works fine in a sense that it makes the distilled water.The main problem though was that the water was not drinkable at all. It had a strong chemical odor and taste. I tried a glass jar, as one of the on-line forums suggested, but it didn''t make any difference. Then I found a forum at the bottom of this product page right here on Amazon, to which I also contributed. It''s called "How to get that plastic smell out of the water?"
Here is the link just in case:
I will not repeat the details here, but just want to mention that Westinghouse is familiar with the problem and claims it is due to a glue :-), and the smell should disappear after some usage. I ran the unit for a few days while disposing the produced water just to get rid of the smell. After a few weeks of using the unit, the glue is still leaching into the water, and I have to use a carbon filter in a pitcher to remove the odor. The smell gets weaker, but is still present. I got a reply from Westinghouse to my email that says the issue was passed to the management, and that they will inform me on the solution, but I haven''t gotten anything from them yet.
I don''t know if it''s important or not, but I didn''t use the included mineral cartridge, so I don''t know if it makes a difference. As you can tell from my story, I was mostly focusing on making sure the distilled water was odorless, as I thought it should be before making this purchase.
If you have similar problems with your units, or found a remedy, please post it here, or on the forum below. I am thinking about keeping the unit, hoping this problem will fade away, so I would like to learn about this issue as much as possible.
Read Best Reviews of Westinghouse W15120A/SA98910 Aquavie Healthy Water System Here
I paid over $400 for this product. When the product works, it works well, exceptionally well. Count on it for a year or so. If you use as I did daily, then you have a large amount of electricity flowing thru this product on a daily basis, please note that as electricity flows, the electrical connections within this device are "wear parts" and this become paramount.People do not think of electrical connections as "wear parts." However, this product is not a TV. Here the intense electrical charge needed to distill water, blows fuses, and burns other internal metal components and melted the plastic housing in the device in my case.
The electrical connection between the plastic housing, which connects to an electrical wall outlet, and the tank, which plugs into another electrical outlet within the device is less than sufficient, in my opinion, for the task. As a metaphor, think of your clothes hangers and imagine they were made out of piano wire instead, and you''ll get my point. The powerful electrical charge required by this device corrodes the connections, and in my case caused failure twice. Once we sent the machine back to Aqua Via and they fixed it without charge. However, they (Aqua Vie) have disappeared, and now neither parts nor support seems available thru Westinghouse. Will somebody from the company contact me and tell where I can get parts?
This electrical problem is, in my opinion, a curable design flaw. It is a big deal rendering the machine useless for most people. Who cares to take their clothes iron apart when it stops working? It could be small deal if one knows the problem of which I write exits and could get the parts. I could fix this with an overpriced $10 or $12 part. Many people maytrash this otherwise excellent product when it does not "go." This reminds me of joke where the youngsters are on the porch and the boy ask, "what does your father do for a living." The girl says, "he takes apart things that don''t go, so you better go."
Want Westinghouse W15120A/SA98910 Aquavie Healthy Water System Discount?
All first of all I got this through another site at a considerable discount. I had read the reviews about the gluey plastic smell to the water but for the price I paid I was willing to try it.Ok, distillation to remove impurities make sense and is proven in science that this works. So I am not worried about that end of the process working or not. However I know from experience distilled water is dead it has not taste and no oxygen, one person said they use it in their small fish tank, I would not do this.
Washing out both units before the first use and as directed when you replace the mineral cartridge is a good idea.
Now having read the reviews of the "plasticy/gluey" smell I was sceptical about it. I have a ver sensitive sense of smell. When I took it out out of the it smell like new plastic. No suprise it is new after all.
I washed BOTH chambers and risned them extremely well. Then I added the water and sealed it in, pushed it in place, turned it on and waited, the directions stated this would take 4 to 4 1/2 hours to produce one caraffe of pure water. Remember to take the cap off the pure water chamber and have soaked the mineral cartridge for at least 3 minutes the directions state 30 but I went 3 miutes to assure the water was moving through it and then put in the pure water caraffe.
The first caraffe of pure water took 4 hours to produce as the direction stated, it smelled like plastic, so I ran another caraffe tossed the 2nd one and the third I am drinking now, I am very pleased with the results. There is about a 1/4 cup of water that remains in the chamber after the distillation process. Toss this water out and rinse it out then add new water just to the bottom of the tabs in the black chamber. It is important to just add water to the bottom of the tabs because it boils the water and needs the room to expand and allow the water to boil.
There is only one issue I have with the unit is the noise of the cooling fan. It is very noisy, I live in a condo and I put it in my bathroom so I don''t hear it. Also this puts out a lot of heat, it''s supposed too, let the water cool before you move it to another container.
I had tried a Britta, 3M Filtreet water pitchers, do they filter the water, yes BUT they can not remove the cholrine and other impurities their water tasted OK, the Westinghouse Aquavie is good choice if you need to remove the cholrine and other contaminates. I am pleased with it.
Be sure to do a internet search for it, you will find better prices a site affiliated with the one still has a stock of them for $64.99 on 11/7/2012 at 0127 hours they were showing to have 65% left. Their first part of their name starts with Ben.
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