We love the design and will purchase another one after this wears out.It works , the problem so far is the plastic they used to view how much water is in the unit, it isn''t clear plastic but rather opaque and the water level is difficult to see.
The clock/timer is way too slow to operate, I really dislike it.
I sent in the rebate offer and we''ll see if send the $10.
(1)The basket is falling apart after one week.
Customer service doesn''t stock the part so I used a glue gun for a temporary fix.
(2)A month later, no rebate check and still no basket.
(3)Still no rebate check and still no basket.
downgraded to 1 star for poor customer service.
This is my last DeLonghi product.
(4)Two months later still no basket and no rebate.
Buy DeLonghi DCF2212T 12-Cup Glass Carafe Drip Coffee Maker Now
I purchased this unit over a year ago and after a few months it began leaking. I called customer service and they said it might be the basket, although they said there was no "wide-spread" problem. The new basket worked for several more months but then the unit began leaking all over the counter again. When I called customer service they once again denied that this was a common problem. A search of the internet looking for delonghi DCF 212T problems will show that this is a very common problem. I was told if I cut off the cord and sent it in with $15 they would send me a new unit as a "good will" gesture. I will most likely pay the $15 to get a new unit but can not believe DeLonghi would produce such an inferior product and then repeatedly deny any responsibility. Shame on Them! I have bought my last DeLonghi product.Read Best Reviews of DeLonghi DCF2212T 12-Cup Glass Carafe Drip Coffee Maker Here
I really like the front access for filling the water reservoir and the coffee filter. The aroma option indeed improves the flavor of the coffee, and the unit does make a better pot of brew than my old coffeemaker. But I have three complaints, and it seems they''re simple, inexpensive features that would''ve earned this machine 4 or 5 stars.First, the water level indicator ideally needs to be backlit. As a mediocre alternative, Delonghi could''ve used clear plastic so you could actually see the water level. As is, it''s very difficult to see the level without shining a light directly on the indicator. Rather than going to the trouble, it''s slightly easier to add a step to the process & fill the carafe with the quantity of water needed & pour it in the unit (otherwise, I''d pour directly from my Brita pitcher into the unit).
Second, the clock is unlit, which makes it almost worthless unless you''re standing closer than 2 feet from the unit. My old 29.99 Mr. Coffee''s clock was far superior. Shame.
Third, also related to the clock, setting the time or the automatic start timer is very cumbersome. Besides being hard to see the clock itself, to set the time, you have to hold the time set button as it ticks off each minute until reaching your desired time. So, for example, this morning I wanted the coffee to start brewing at 6:00, but tomorrow, I want it to begin at 5:45. I have to hold the button down until it scrolls for 23 3/4 hours! Again, my cheap old Mr. Coffee was far simpler with its "hour" and "minute" buttons.
When all is said & done, I like the machine because it makes good coffee...but with these simple additional features, I''d love it.
Want DeLonghi DCF2212T 12-Cup Glass Carafe Drip Coffee Maker Discount?
We originally wanted the DCF212T, but the machine was too big and unattractive. The 2212T is almost identical, just more narrow and conventional. The carafe is not as nice, the top of it is completely plastic but functions just as well. It works just as advertised, we experienced no problem with the electronics or leaking as has been suggested by other consumers. It makes a superior cup of coffee and the aroma button is a great feature. If you grind your beans very fine like we do, the aroma feature ensures no spill over since it gently showers the grinds. This machine was a great value and performs excellently. We really like the front access drawer, a feature of both models. This makes the prep go much faster since water and coffee are both loaded quickly and easily in the double sided receptacle. The permanent filter and drip cup are designed well and are a welcome change from the cone cup and paper filter of our last machine. The top of the machine is a cup warmer, a unique feature we''ve not had in previous machines. As past owners of Bunn, Krups, Mr. Coffee and others, we''re sold on DeLonghi. We would recommend either model to anyone looking to replace their coffee maker.
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