It makes really hot beverages
Two types of frothing method: 1. Traditional way; 2. FrothXpress way
Programmable everything (e.g. water temp, strength of coffee, amount of water..etc)
Self-rinsing before startup and before shutdown.
Cheap Plastic Shell (Especially for a machine costing $1800!!)
Extracting the espresso too fast. (But this is with all Super-autos)
Does not have a traditional steam wand. (the wand came with it is not really a traditional one you find with other machines)
Cleaning the wand properly after use. (You really have to soak it and make sure the little holes on the wand are clean. Or else it will not steam properly)
I think maybe because now I am a bit more experienced in making espresso and understand the details that goes into it that I find I am looking for more in a machine. Yes, this is a very good machine that produces good coffee/espresso. But now I am wanting to go a step higher and get a "God" shot of espresso. The J5 (actually all super-autos) will not give you that.
What this machine will give you is convenience. The shots are hot and are good. It will give you good froth but not the true micro-foams you find in traditional semi-auto machines. I still love the machine and feel that the espresso it produces is better than 80% of the retail coffee shops.
I would recommend this machine to people who are into coffee/espresso and knows at least that good espresso does not need to taste bitter. This machine will satisfy probably 90% of the coffee drinkers out there. For the other 10%, the coffee snobs, this machine probably will not do. It does not produce "tiger stripes" shots (at least I am not able to do it). You can not control tamping. The steam wand is not traditional and in my opinion not that powerful. Does this mean I am a coffee snob?!?
But really, I can not complain too much it is still a wonderful machine. I am starting to contemplate more of a prosumer type of espresso machine. One that is semi-automatic and you really need the end user''s experience/input to produce that "god" shot (e.g. Tiger Stripes crema). Well, I will use this until it dies. Then I will go the next step....
Buy Jura 13332 Impressa J5 Automatic Coffee and Espresso Center Now
Where to begin? This machine can do it all, from a strong shot of espresso to a flawless cappuccino, all in under minute. If you can tie your shoes, you can use one of these machines.I looked in to this machine after using an older Capresso model at a friend''s house. I was always impressed by how easily and quickly he could make a variety of drinks for guests, not to mention the quality of their appearance and flavor.
This machine comes with two different frothing systems, one is a more traditional bullet style frother, while the other can automatically steam or froth milk. This is where the J5 really shines. In no time you can froth yourself milk that would make the most seasoned barista jealous, and then push a single button to instantly brew piping hot coffee.
The machine starts with whole beans of your choosing and grinds them just for the drink you are making. This ensures that you''ll get the freshest tasting coffee cup after cup.
What I like most about this machine though is the variety of drinks it can make. If you have a guest over who isn''t a big coffee drinker you can use the machine to make instant hot water for tea, or my favorite trick: run chocolate milk through the steamer for instant hot chocolate. Of course for the rest of us, the pressure brewing system in this machine will allow you to say goodbye to expensive coffee drinks, and become your own favorite barista.
Read Best Reviews of Jura 13332 Impressa J5 Automatic Coffee and Espresso Center Here
We have had several of the Jura-Capresso machines. We currently have the Impress J5.We love the coffee and lattes it makes but there is one very annoying and potentially dangerous issue.
The frothing tip on the machine flies off intermittently and sprays hot milk on us and all
over the cabinets and floor. We make a point of blowing steam through the tip for about 30 seconds
after we make each latte to make certain no milk remains in it to clog it and we also clean the
tip in solution as directed -but the problem continues. We had this issue on other Jura-Capresso
machines as well so we don''t understand why they don''t have screw on tips to easily solve this problem.
Making lattes has become a stressful event!
Want Jura 13332 Impressa J5 Automatic Coffee and Espresso Center Discount?
This machine is utterly fantastic, period. I have wasted through endless Cuisinart Grind & Brew machines to no avail and spent way too much on Starbucks. This literally makes the perfect cup of coffee or espresso. The milk frother creates perfect cream. I set it to ''wake up'' before I do so its ready to go. Its as easy as pie to clean and the machine tells you to do everythingadd water, beans, clean out grounds, etc. Its even Energy Saver. What else could you want?
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