- 1-year supply of replacement filters for 5-Stage RO systems
- Includes 7 filters
- Fits 10-Inch standard filter housings, compatible to most RO systems, includes Watts Premier, Flowmatic, PuROLine, Crystal Quest, Apec
- Individually wrapped, fresh from factory
- High-quality replacement water filters
__RO, Deionization, Microfiltration, Distillation:~~~~~50 PPM
__Some bottled, Carbon filtration:~~~~~~~~~~~~50 150 PPM
__Tap water:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~150 400 PPM
__Well water (EPA max allowed 500):~~~~~~~~~~400 1000 PPM
My readings using copper and CPVC pipes in Detroit Mi. My RO is using these ISpring filters.;
__Tap water:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~98 PPM
__RO:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~25 PPM
__My Fridge filters the RO water one more time:~~~~~~~22 PPM
I ordered my filters with my Amazon account, but, using ISpring as the seller option. My RO is BareWater system. ISpring and I communicated a few times, I am new but confused with RO, their guidance was very good and fair.
Buy iSpring 7PK-GAC ISpring 7-PK RO Filters 1-Year Replacement Filter Kit Now
Have the Ispring installed going on a little ove 2 years. Never once had a problem. My family consumes alot of drinking water and after finding out our favarite brands were nothing but filtered tap, We figured we might as well do it ourselves. I rather keep the money in my pocket by using a well made product that does its job.Read Best Reviews of iSpring 7PK-GAC ISpring 7-PK RO Filters 1-Year Replacement Filter Kit Here
I use them on my primary system in the kichen. I use a TDS inline meter and the particle counts are low, They fit good and last a long time the materials seem to look lick quality materials and because my low TDS readings I give them 5 stars.Want iSpring 7PK-GAC ISpring 7-PK RO Filters 1-Year Replacement Filter Kit Discount?
The replacement filter set contains everything we needed to replace filters on schedule for 1 year. We love the alkalizing water filter system we''ve had it for over 3 months. A couple leaks at first, repaired easily and quickly. We love it!Avoid the flood! These filters are NOT compatible with Watts Premier 5SV filters, contrary to the description in the website. These filters are exactly 10" long, whereas the Watts Premier filters are about 9 13/16" long. The extra length will not allow the Watts Premier filter housing to thread on far enough to seal properly, no matter how much you tighten them. The filters may be just fine, but the one-star rating is for the deceptive description.From the website:
"Fits 10" standard filter housings, compatible to most RO systems, includes Watts Premier, Flowmatic, PuROLine, Crystal Quest, Apec, and etc."
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