- The GE GXRLQ can be used with any brand of refrigerator and is installed inline behind the refrigerator. The GE water filter improves the taste and odor of water and ice going through your refrigerator
- The compact design fits in tight spaces
- The GE GXRLQ system has a "Twist and Lock" mechanism that makes changing water filters easy
- The GE GXRLQ water filter system comes with everything you need to install the system and filter your water, including the GE GXRLQR water filter
- The replacement filter is the GE GXRLQR and is easily replaced. Simply unscrew the old filter and screw in the new water filter
However, doing an actual water test, it does not remove a lot of the dissolved solids and minerals.
The overall system is fairly well made it is easy to change filters and you do not have to turn of the water to do so as the filter head features an auto shut off when the filter is removed.
However, the attachment to the wall is a single screw, and the connectors for the water lines are not as robust as i might like (friction fit essentially but then it IS all plastic and not brass.) this is probably better to use with plastic water line, as the flexibility of the plastic line should reduce stress at the fitting. I of course am using copper line, and thus my concern over the robustness of the fittings.
Buy GE SmartWater Inline Filter System (GXRLQ) Now
This is a great option for a fridge that does not have a built in filter. The filter is easy to install and easy to change. Water tastes good. I bought extra long tubing and ran it up to the cabinet above the fridge through a small hole made with a drill. Now it is totally concealed and accessible with a step stool.Read Best Reviews of GE SmartWater Inline Filter System (GXRLQ) Here
This part is exact replacement as advertised and arrived in new, shrink wrapped condition. Even after shipping it still saves me money over buying it at local hardware store.Want GE SmartWater Inline Filter System (GXRLQ) Discount?
Simply put...it works. I had that "Water Hose" taste on Ice due to my lines are all plastic. It went away immediately after installation. I only took one star away because the installation instructions lack detail on where the filter is to be placed. But it was easy if you have plastic line from the refrigerator valve to the ice-maker. Enjoy.Installation was quick and easy. But somehow, I did not seat the plastic tubing in the fitting properly and later that night (bad things always happen when you''re not there!) the input line popped out and the entire kitchen and nook were under water.I reinstalled the system with greater care (and performed major house repairs) and it has worked fine for five years. I does no major filtration, but the water in the cubes and dispenser are good. Works for us. The refer. has one built in, but it costs $60 to change out yearly, or more often. I''ll take the GE. Wish the fittings were a bit more secure, though!
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