Remove shower disc by unscrewing the screw under the brew head. Clean filter. Do not reinsert.
Pour entire bottle into water tank.
Turn on pump for 15 seconds.
Put cup under brew head. Press brew button and run for several seconds.
Put cup under steam spout. Do not press steam button. Instead, press brew button. Solution should come out spout. Run for several seconds.
Wait 20 minutes.
Repeat until all solution has been run through.
Rinse by running plain cold water through machine.
Replace the shower disc.
Hope this helps! Unless I am mistaken no-where can you find how much liquid is required for each descaling operation. The product instructions refer you to the coffee makers instruction manual, in my case a Gaggia, and the coffee machine instructions refer you to the descaler instruction book-this being a programmed descaling operation.
That apart, it would seem to work fine
Buy Gaggia Decalcifier Descaler Solution Now
We were having problems with our Gaggia espresso machine frothing device and, per the manual, used this descaler to clean the machine. I used the instructions from the manual (which were more complicated than they needed to be) and it made a tremendous difference in the performance of the frother. I will use this decalcifier on a regular basis now to extend the life and maintain the performance of the unit.Read Best Reviews of Gaggia Decalcifier Descaler Solution Here
Only reason I didn''t rate it a 5 star is because there are instructions that came with my Gaggia machine and different instructions that came with the Gaggia decalcifier. Unfortunately neither one really is clear as to how much water should be used just use the bottle and fill your reservoir. Since different machines have different size reservoirs, it leaves you wondering what exactly you should do. So I just followed the directions as per the bottle and it seemed to clean the machine pretty well.Want Gaggia Decalcifier Descaler Solution Discount?
Durgol Swiss Espresso Special decalcifier is specifically formulated to decalcify, protect, and care for any espresso machine--regardless of the brand. The Swiss Espresso Special decalcifier effortlessly removes calcium/lime build-up in all brands of espresso machines: full and half automatics, manual or "pod" machines, even filter machines, electric water heaters, and tea kettles.I would use 1/2 bottle approx. 125 ml the Durgol pack has two 125 bottles and is a bit more in cost.
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