After having a malfunction that clogged the paper filter, I browsed the Shop-Vac website for a solution. I equipped the 800L with a
Gore CleanStream-Gore HEPA Cartridge Filter (Shop-Vac 9034000) and a Disposable Collection Filter Bag (906-62-00).
This created a 3-stage system that is effective for filtering all but the extremely finest dust.
I also replaced the Reusable Disc Filter on my Mini-Vac with a Super Performance Dacron® Cloth Filter (901-15-00).
I also purchased a Super Performance Dacron® Reusable Disc Filter (901-13-00) and a 3-Pack of Reusable Disc Filters (901-37-00) as backup for both vacuums.
Buy Shop-vac 901-13 Super Performance Reusable Dry Filter Now
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