Mavea 106832 Maxtra Tassimo Filter

Mavea 106832 Maxtra Tassimo FilterThis filter seats perfectly in the Brita Maxtra pitcher I bought while stationed in Germany. It works well at taking out the heavy chlorine flavor of the city water in our house.

I love that there is an additional filter for a coffeemaker. It really makes a difference. Amazon has pretty low prices, so change it often to avoid bacteria growth.

Buy Mavea 106832 Maxtra Tassimo Filter Now

This is a basic filter for the more advanced Bosch Tassimo brewers. Using it requires the plastic insert to hold the filter (Bosch part # 646364). If your Bosch didn''t come with a filter, and has a square water tank like this one : Bosch TAS4511UC you can google around and order just that part direct from the Bosch e-store. (Note, it will NOT work for brewers with the more rounded tanks like this : Bosch TAS2001UC )

It is easy to insert, works fine, and helps if you have water quality issues.

The question is, do you need filtered water at all... If your tap water is fine and tastes good, then you may not need to filter the water. If however you filter your tap water, or drink bottled, then it could help. I recommend making the coffee without using a filter, then with using a filter, and seeing if you can taste the difference. (getting someone else to brew the coffee for a "blind" taste test is even better.)

Read Best Reviews of Mavea 106832 Maxtra Tassimo Filter Here

When my wife and I decided to purchase our Tassimo coffee maker the deciding factor was that it had a water filter. Our city water supply has a very bad taste when heated,so when we use this filter it fixes that problem and we have great tasting coffee!

Want Mavea 106832 Maxtra Tassimo Filter Discount?

Makes water taste lite and clean,even better than before. I find myself drinking more water because of this, and that''s certainly more healthy too.


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