Jupiter Melody Water Ionizer - Model JP104 Save 6% Off

Jupiter Melody Water Ionizer - Model JP104 - 5 Yr. WarrantyI LOVE THIS UNIT. We have had a reverse osmosis water filter for 5 years, ever since I had become seriously ill and decided to overcome my health issues by changing my diet and detoxifying my body through food, supplements and alternative healing. The reverse osmosis filter removes absolutely all impurities from the water, but leaves it energetically dead, and acidic, so you have to alkalize it. Now that I have recovered my health, I was searching for an easier alternative. The RO filter was time consuming and did not produce enough water daily for our family plus the 4 replacement cartridges were getting expensive. It was not really cheaper than buying distilled water when you considered the filter costs.

So I researched many water Ionizers including the Kangen. For the price, this one is really the best.


Water tastes fantastic. You want to keep drinking it.

Easy to install. Great instructional video too.

Easy to use hooks up to the faucet and has a nice switch valve at the tap no need to connect & disconnect every time you use it.

It records how much water has been through the filter so you get a better idea of when to change the filter.

Does not take up a lot of space.

Produces a range of alkaline and acidic water

Relatively inexpensive compared to other Ionizers


Does not remove ALL of the flouride from the water. IT removes about 70%.

Like all IOnizers and Reverse Osmosis systems, it uses a lot of water to make the good water. i.e. this is not eco-friendly.

Also note that I bought it from the Canadian distributor on Amazon. They were quick to get back to me with a few pre-purchase questions and offered to re-imburse me for any customs/duty charges I might have when the post office delivered. That was not necessary, as there were no problems with delivery.

Our bodies need to be slightly alkaline in order to healthy. Much of the municipal water, buy government standards, is set at a ph of about 6.2, which is acidic and can put our bodies in an acidic state. Combine the acidic water, poor eating choices of soda pop, coffee, tea, meat and sugar and add stress to the mixture, it''s really difficult to keep our bodies at a healthy ph level, particularly after you''ve grown a little old like I have. Ionized water helps!

I did a lot of research before buying this water ionizer and this is the best for the price. In fact, this is the best price for the Jupiter Melody that I could find. I saved about $85 buying it through Amazon.com.

The Jupiter Melody, which separates the acid from the alkaline water has 3 hoses. One brings water from the tap into the machine, another hose to eliminate the waste water and a third is flexible metal that you use to fill your glass with the good water. The Melody comes with a video so you can do the setup steps while watching and pausing the video. It''s pretty easy. The ph level of the water is adjustable from acidic to alkaline and there''s a reagent and test tube(s) to test the actual ph of the water.

There''s a lot more information and online videos you can watch by Googling "Jupiter Melody".

Buy Jupiter Melody Water Ionizer - Model JP104 Now

It took some convincing for me to come to the conclusion that it was worth $1600 to prep my water before I drank it, but having had cancer treatments I''m doing anything that there is good evidence that will reduce the chances of cancer coming back, including a very healthy diet with no sweets or coffee. So, I purchased a Jupiter Melody from a Virginia supplier a little over a year ago. Another brand name for this machine is Isis and it''s a very popular ionizer sold world wide. From articles that I''ve read, the Jupiter Melody does a good job of improving the ORP index (Oxidation Reduction Potential) of water and electrically converts the water to a more alkaline state. I proved the second parameter to myself by doing before and after sampling with pH test papers. There are other good ionizers out there but I narrowed my selection between the Jupiter and a Tyent 7070, finally choosing the Jupiter based on lower price. No need to shop for maximum pH levels of 10.0 or above because drinking water at a level of 8.5 or 9 is healthier than acidic water (any figure below pH 7). The ORP improvement generally goes along with the pH increase when comparing ionizers. The mineral content of the input water affects the output measurements of any ionizer because mineral water is easier to alter electrically. Don''t use an ionizer with water that''s been treated by a water softener or reverse osmosis filter. Both of those processes remove necessary minerals from the water.

The water coming out of my machine machine is tasteless and that''s all you want water to be is just healthy, wet, and easy to drink. I have no regrets about the purchase -exceptfor the price of the water filter which only lasts about 2 or 3 months (in my experience) at a replacement price of $100. There''s a filter replacement meter built into the Jupiter but my filters have only been lasting 35% 40% of the indicated replacement life before the water begins to smell like rotten eggs. When I change the filter and reset the meter, I''m back to pure tasteless water again. Nobody does price discounts on these expensive proprietary filters, even Amazon, so there must be a price fix by the manufacturer. I installed a carbon pre-filter in the water line ahead of the machine but that didn''t improve the filter life that I could tell. In comparison, the Tyent 7070 has two filters, one for sediment the other for taste. Those two filters together cost about $10 more than the single Jupiter filter but I can''t speak about the lifespan of them since I don''t own a Tyent. I would love to hear from someone who does.

My well water has high mineral content so that causes calcium deposits to build up on the electrolysis plates and the metal outlet hose of the Jupiter but I found that can be remedied by pouring white vinegar into the outlet nozzle and letting it stand overnight about once a month. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

My recommendation is that if you have a health issue, get an ionizer, and the Jupiter is probably one of the best over all values unless you can find one that uses inexpensive standard 10 inch water filters. I don''t think such a choice exists. This machine can be connected to a kitchen water faucet or tapped directly into a water pipe like I have mine. There''s a water valve control on the front of the machine and the level of alkalinity is selectable.

Read Best Reviews of Jupiter Melody Water Ionizer - Model JP104 Here

I''ve had my Melody for about 1 month and so far it does NOT make acid water very well. The orp is ok as well ph levels but this unit will not make acid water below a 5ph. Acid water should be below 3 ph to be of any quality. On acid water selection I can get 11 ph coming out the acid outlet.

someone shed some light please.

Want Jupiter Melody Water Ionizer - Model JP104 Discount?

I purchased a Jupiter melody over 2 years ago and I have been very happy with my unit. I purchased it refirbished from[..] at a very reduced price and I have been happy with both the seller, this product and the filters I have purchased. It is a good invetsment in your health. I also recommend the PH Miracle book.

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