The digital clock isn''t the quickest to set since you have to hold a button in as it changes in minutes only, but hopefully that won''t need set often.
The "aroma" button really works! There actually is a difference in the brewing aroma with it on.
Most importantly, the end product was a great cup of coffee! I''m thrilled with the coffee maker and haven''t found a single negative aspect yet, including the price. I HIGHLY recommend this model. Kudos Delonghi, you really outdid yourself here. Amazon''s shipping was simple and fast. The whole purchasing experience was exceptional. A+++++I just got this coffee maker a few days ago and for the most part I like it, but, and this is a major but for me, the coffee just isn''t quite hot enough. I find myself throwing my cup in the microwave to get it piping hot, not scalding but hot. It''s nice looking, the front water loading is convenient, the coffee tastes good, but I wouldn''t buy it again because of the temperature issue.
Buy DeLonghi DCF212T Drip Coffeemaker Now
I had the same leaking problem that another reviewer had. After about 1 month of daily use this unit starts leaking from the back and liquid coffee goes down to the warming plate making a mess and causing a burnt coffee smell. The company kindly sent me another unit but the same thing happened. So now they are sending me a second replacement and I chose a different model which hopefully will be more reliable. But based on the review on that unit I am not optimistic that unit is any better.Read Best Reviews of DeLonghi DCF212T Drip Coffeemaker Here
Summary: it died after 40 days.I did my homework before picking this one, relying a lot on other reviewers'' comments. I concede that the pour-from-the-front feature was appealing, but after getting the machine, I realized that it''s not such a great design. Because the water channels through this front access swing-out arm, it''s very difficult to REMOVE unwanted water, not to mention grounds that somehow end up in the reservoir. When I used a flashlight to examine the reservoir, I was appalled at how scummy it was, even after only a few weeks'' usage.
The digital clock is terribly clumsy. To set the clock or brew time, you must hold down a single button until it reaches the desired time. The brew time defaults to 6AM, so if you want to set it for 5AM, you must cycle through 23 hours of counting.....and if you want to change it for the weekend, it''s very awkward. Hey, this is 2008! Can''t you do better than this, DeLonghi? This is a stone-age digital clock!
But the bottom line was simply this: the heating element stopped working after only 40 days of use. That''s simply not acceptable. In the past, a coffeemaker could be expected to last for many years of daily use. Sadly, none of the "imported" coffeemakers I''ve tried recently can match that performance. This model was an exceptional failure.I bought this coffee maker about 4 months ago and it is already in the garbage. After the first month coffee would slowly come out of the carafe around the silver strip near the bottom and get on the burner and the smell of burnt coffe would fill the house. Then this weekend as I was filling the carafe with water it cracked. Carafe''s online are $20 + shipping. NOT WORTH IT! So, I went out and bought a Cuisnart Coffee on Demand 12 cup programmable coffee maker and so far it is wonderful! Flavorful and hot coffee and even better there is no carafe to worry with!!!
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