I have bought this item primarily to conserve water. It had replaced my 2.0 GPH aerator. The best thing about it, is that my mother (whom I didn''t tell anything about the swap) did not notice anything! So, in short this is perfect for bathroom faucets saves water / money / and acts the same as 2.0 GPH aerators.
Oh, and I should mention that it is VERY easy to install with just appropriate sized pliers (to unscrew the old aerator).
I''m planning on buying about three more units for my friends.I purchased a couple of these at my local Home Depot for $3.69 each (SKU: 705-654, UPC: 008359100860). I installed the filters in all the bathrooms in my house and the kitchen faucet and had no problems with any of the ones installed in the bathrooms but the one installed in the kitchen faucet had really low water pressure and delayed release of water once the handle was turned on. I removed the filter from the kitchen faucet and pressure returned to normal.
Its a good product for the bathrooms but depending on the water pressure and faucet model that you have in your kitchen it might not be so good for your kitchen faucet, you might want to try a filter that is 2.0 gpm for the kitchen or leave the one that your faucet came with on the faucet (which is probably a 2.5 gpm filter).
It worked wonderfully in all of my bathroom faucets with no problems.
It helps control the flow of water so it comes out more smoothly from the faucet instead of wildly and spraying everywhere
Saves water
Low Price
Easy to install
Comes with both inner and outer threads so it works in all faucets and is simple to install
Didnt work well in my kitchen faucet, it had low water pressure and it took a about 2 seconds for the water to start flowing with the filter on in the kitchen faucet once the handle was turned on.
Only buy it for your bathroom faucets, and if you want to save money on shipping you might want to check out your local Home Depot instead of buying it online. I purchased 4 of them from my local Home Depot for $3.69 each from the plumbing department. I suggest using a 2.0gmp filter or leaving the stock filter on your kitchen faucet, 1.5gpm doesnt cut it for the kitchen.
Buy Neoperl Faucet Aerator Water saving Dual Threaded/ Aerated Stream 1.5 gpm Now
Nobody has noticed the decreased water flow from the faucet, which is good! Used this in my kitchen as the 2.2 gpm aerator seemed like overkill. It was. Why doesn''t everyone use low flow aerators?Read Best Reviews of Neoperl Faucet Aerator Water saving Dual Threaded/ Aerated Stream 1.5 gpm Here
The stream is just right for use in our master bath. The higher pressure streams do a good job of cleaning off toothbrushes, razors, and other sink items.It is not easy to drink from the faucet any more. I solve that by cupping my hand under the faucet and drinking from my hand.
Want Neoperl Faucet Aerator Water saving Dual Threaded/ Aerated Stream 1.5 gpm Discount?
Cuts the water bill so fast you recover the money in the first month. I bought 6 more.So I''ve been using it for a few months now and WOW has this cut water consumption.
I live off a cistern, a/k/a a big water tank so I have to be careful and wait for rain. This is just the best water saving device I have ever used. Nice clean flow and it''s amazing how much water I was wasting.
If you pay for water this will cut your bill, if you are conserving water this is the ticket.
Now if they only made one for the toilet.
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