- Brand new 5-Stage 50 Gallons per Day (GPD) Complete RO system with luxury beautiful faucet
- No electricity is required; All filters and membrane are standard 10" size
- Free upgrade with Luxury Faucet ($30 retail value), an accent to your kitchen
- Our RO systems are 100% wet tested before shipping.
- Complete system ready to be installed.It includes all filters, tank, faucet, tubing, and fittings

I have had this system for 5 months now and love it. Water taste great, installation wasn''t to bad. I mounted mine in the basement to save space for under sink. The one problem I had recently was the small valve that mounts to your cold water supply started to leak. After removing it and putting new Teflon tape on it I noticed that it just didn''t fit tight enough in other fitting that it threads into. So after taking apart again, the threads broke off the valve. I called customer service and explained what happened and since it has a one year warranty, the operated said the new parts would be shipped out immediately with no charge.
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