UPDATE: I contacted Hamilton Beach and the customer service lady said that reports of leaks were common, so they sent me a new coffee maker. Too bad the new coffee maker leaked as well! It had the exact same problem of leaking on the heating element and out the bottom.
I called again to ask for a refund and they refused. Instead they are sending me a 3rd coffee maker. Now suddenly this second customer service lady insisted that leaks were not a common problem.
Also, I have noticed that there are new 5-star reviews of this unit which claim that those of us who left 1-star reviews are "lazy" or that the leak is "user error". One has to wonder why these reviewers are taking this so seriously, and why they''re using their reviews to attack others.
Long story short, I highly recommend you save yourself some trouble and some money avoid this machine! After about 3 months the switch started clicking inside when it wasn''t in use. At first I thought nothing of it. Then I started noticing it was hot when I went to make a pot of coffee even though I hadn''t been home all day. As time has passed (over the course of the last month) the heat (when off) has been rising. This is ironic since it wouldn''t make a "HOT" cup of coffee in the first place.
I''ve been unplugging it recently when I''m not using it to be safe while waiting for my new one to arrive (definitely not made by HB) and in the past week I''ve forgotten to unplug it twice. I''ve come home to open it to STEAM and IMMENSE heat to the tune of the used filter being black at the top from being cooked. I would definitely stay away from this lest you want a fire to erupt. Today marks the last pot of coffee I''ll have from this coffee maker.
Buy Hamilton Beach 47374HB H.B. DIGITAL BREW STATION 10 CUP BLACK Now
I got the coffeemaker for christmas ''08, it is now Jan. 09 and it will not dispense coffee with the urn thing on the maker, you have to remove it from the base and quickly place it over the cup b/c it starts pouring coffee. you don''t have to worry about getting burned b/c the coffee doesn''t stay hot in this thing anyway, so SAVE YOUR MONEY! THIS THING IS JUNK!Read Best Reviews of Hamilton Beach 47374HB H.B. DIGITAL BREW STATION 10 CUP BLACK Here
Mine lasted about 1 year. It worked well at first, though it does burn coffee when the tank is nearly empty. After a few months it began to leak around the base plate (very messy), and the valve began to get loose and tend to dribble all over when dispensing. (When I took it apart, I discovered the cheap plastic valve had actually broken, and the insides of the valve assembly were quite unsanitary -strange gunk accumulated in the dispenser area, despite daily washing). This is clearly not designed for maintainability either: they do not offer replacement tanks, valves etc. and they use a mix of phillips and spanner type screws to make it intentionally difficult for DIY types to repair the seals.The design concept is good, I just wish the manufacturing wasn''t so pathetic.
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I bought this coffee maker with some trepidation based on the other reviews I read, but decided to anyway. It had all of the features I was looking for, and the negative comments seemed like things I could either avoid (now that I was aware of them) or common sense user errors. I bought it at Walmart and paid $30. I brought it home, washed it out, and then made a full pot of coffee. It was excellent! Very easy to use, the coffee stayed hot and didn''t get burnt at all. I had been looking to replace my traditional glass carafe because after a little while, the heating plate would burn the coffee. I had done a bunch of online research between the glass carafe, thermal carafe, and this kind. I let this one go for the full 2 hours before the machine shut itself off, and the coffee never tasted burnt. I usually only fill it up to the 6 cup mark in the morning and that makes me 2-large cups (huge mugs from Pier One) or 3-small cups (smaller mugs from Starbucks). I love the dispenser, the glass carafe always made a mess when I''d pour it. Having people over and dispensing the coffee isn''t a problem for me, I never took the glass carafe away from the coffee maker or put it on the table anyway. I''ve been using this coffee maker 4-6 times a week for about a month now.....and I love it! It''s super easy to clean as well. I have had no issues with it leaking or getting too hot/not getting hot enough.
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