This does not have the built-in Check Valve or Brine Seal inside the white plastic tube of the RO Membrane. Without this Check Valve or Brine Seal, water from the reservoir tank (when full) will back flow to the RO membrane and damage it, and waste water.
This back flow or reverse flow will happen when your reservoir tank gets full. So basically, you will be wasting water as the water trickle will not stop. When I tested it, water continued to trickle out of the reject water outlet tube even when my reservoir tank is full already (it should stop when reserve tank is full). The water coming out is at a much slower rate though, but still plenty enough to raise your water bill since the water trickle will continue 24 hours a day.membrane was in perfect condition in original manfgers packaging, Item shipped as promised what''s not to like? will keep them on file
Buy FilmTec 50 GPD Membrane For Standard Reverse Osmosis Systems Now
Can''t go wrong with Filmtec, and we''ve used them for years now. As long as you flush out all the new activated carbon filters in front of the RO filter, no problems. If you don''t, your RO filter will clog early from carbon powder remaining in the new filter replacements. So always flush the pre-filters with water before hooking them up to your RO filter.Read Best Reviews of FilmTec 50 GPD Membrane For Standard Reverse Osmosis Systems Here
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