Wow, what a disappointment! The product comes fully assembled except for a small mesh bag with charcoal dust in it that needs to be insalled in the lid. Not only did I get the charcoal all over my hands but the thing keeps falling out of the lid as I run the unit! But this isn''t the worst part. Over the holidays I had a friend over that is a chemist and I was showing her the unit. To her, the odor that was coming out of the unit just wasn''t quite right. She asked if it was okay for her to take into work today and she just called to tell me that the unit was emitting 1,200 times the amount of ozone that is allowed by UL and OSHA!! I may not get the wording right here but I guess the allowable limit is around 50ppb (parts per billion) and according to her equipment this unit pumped out about 62ppm (parts per million) on a consistent basis. Do the math and that is over 1,200 times the allowable limit set by UL and OSHA!! How does a unit like this get carried by reputable retailers? According to my friend, the bag of charcoal on top is there for a reason, that is to break down any excess ozone as it escapes the lid. When you visit the company website they ask you to change this every 10 uses...at a cost of $4.95/baggie. Now there''s an extra cost I never knew about when I bought the unit! Unfortunately, this bag of charcoal doesn''t seem to be do anything...or at least not enough to get these emissions down to the right level. Mind you, once the process is done and you lift the lid, the stench of this ozone gas is so overpowering I have to always back away first...is this safe for me? What if I had children? Will it effect my pets? What really has me upset now is that I went back to the website to check out the safety procedure to follow and when you go into the MSDS section they have a lab report prepared for DEL and Air Liquide. How do these test results relate to my CuisineClean? I guess I should have looked closer before purchasing but I got mesmerized by the claims and missed some of these smaller details. Oh yeah, and one more thing, fill it with apples as per their instructions and it is unbelievable what you get out...they may be clean but they are cut and bruised all over. I can''t see how this would make them last any longer?!

I returned this product because using it scared my family and I. I started juicing 6 months ago and was concerned about the safety of the fruits and vegetables I was using. So I was excited when I saw this product. But just as another reviewer said, this product put off a horrible smell in my home which caused me grave concern. It also slashed up my fruit and vegetables if the unit was filled to the top. I had to only put stuff in half way up in the unit in order for it not to damage the fruit. I called Vesture to inquire about the smell coming from the Cuisine Clean. The only response he could give me was that he also owned a unit, it did have a strong odor coming from it, but he "liked" the smell!!! He also stated that I could continue to use it by placing it outside, which would also solve the charcoal issue because then I wouldn''t have to use the filter/charcoal. This seemed absurd to me since I live in a cold climate, plus it would be a bother to transport this thing back and forth, inside to outside. So after reading the reviews on Amazon (which I should have done BEFORE my purchase) I decided to return this product before time ran out on me. I had to pay to ship it back, plus pay a 15% restocking fee but at least I got some of my money back and I wasn''t stuck with this lemon. The seller was very gracious during the return but it was an expensive lesson to be reminded to check the reviews before I purchase anything and even more importantly, believe the reviews if there are more negative reviews than positive. The idea behind this product is a good one but they have a long way to go to convince me that it is a safe product to operate in my home. It may kill germs on fruits and vegetables but what it is spewing into your home''s air may be worse than those germs. I think I''ll wait until they perfect this type of product before I commit to purchasing anything like it again and stay with hand washing. A friend told me that I could get the same sanitizing results by washing my fruits and vegetables using the following: place them in a solution of 1/2 to 1 teaspoon bleach to 1 gallon of water for a minute, then rinse them thoroughly.
Buy Cuisine Clean - Fruit and Vegetable Washer Now
We purchased a unit a couple years ago and it just died...looks like a broken or shredded belt/pulley and the unit no longer spins. I''ve visited to Vesture site and tried to email their customer service and emails sent to 3 different addresses have bounced back so we are just tossing this junk in the trash.
I''m sure since it is outside the 1 year warranty getting a replacement unit for this obvious design flaw is not going to happen. Seems like another item that barely outlives its warranty period before dying...this is becoming the norm with many products.
We did not even get a chance to wear this unit out. While it was working it seemed to clean things without any problems but you really are "trusting" it is cleaning..how can you tell if fruit/veges are actually clean...I agree with the one reviewer...the odor released does stink and I was wondering if ozone spewing into our house air is safe even with a filter.
We''re just going back to hand washing...it served us well for years and hand washing never wears out and is cheap....;-)
Like my review title..good while it lasted..
Read Best Reviews of Cuisine Clean - Fruit and Vegetable Washer Here
Flimsy construction
Produces a noticeable ozone smell (ozone is toxic)
Leaks water
Takes longer than I thought (about 20 minutes) to complete the recommended cleaning cycle for produce like spinach, apples and strawberries
That ozone smell gives me confidence it''s working ;)
A single (thoroughly miserable) bout of food poisoning that hospitalized me was enough to sell me on this product. I continue to use this it in spite of its cons, because it seems to be the only product of its type available and I have access to a well ventilated area where it can run away from my family. I''ve seen other reviews that mention damage to produce, but I haven''t experienced that. Overall, I wish that another company would manufacture a higher quality product with a better seal and better ozone deactivation.
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We bought this unit because we were moving to central Africa with our 5 month old baby. The idea of bleaching food that I am feeding to my child seemed crazy. We have had the product for 5 months and have had no problems with it. I have not noticed the "overpowering" smell that others have complained about. There is a mild ozone smell, but nothing worse than after a good lightening storm. Perhaps we have a more open kitchen and the smell can dissipate more. But this product has made me feel much more secure in making homemade baby food for our little one.
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