"I can''t believe that a coffee maker designed and sold in 2009 has a carafe lip that dribbles coffee down the pot onto the counter not just a little, a lot! I''ve seen plenty of carafes over the past 50 years that either pour perfectly or will dribble just a bit if you pour way too fast, but this carafe deserves an award. You can''t pour anywhere *near* a normal speed without getting coffee all over the carafe, the cup and the counter. How can this be? How could such a design ever get out of R&D? I challenge anyone at B&D to try this carafe and tell me I''m wrong. It is so bad that I have resorted to using a single-cup maker until I either replace this carafe or discard the whole maker and buy another. Question: Is there another carafe I can use with this model that pours properly? Thanks."
*If* I get a response, I''ll post it here.I confess, I didn''t purchase this coffeemaker through Amazon. I bought it about a week ago from a local major chain store.
In the past 10 years, I''ve owned a number of much more expensive, popular, and respected name brand coffeemakers, which I''d researched well before buying, that have made quite good coffee...until they quit, all within 3 years or less. Most of them have had some frustrating issues of some sort, usually with poor pouring and spilling if you got in too big of a hurry. Most of them have had a permanent filter basket and water filters, of which I needed to buy rather expensive replacements for. I''ve had thermal pots, which I like, but which require "preheating" to be most effective, another step that some folks don''t seem to appreciate. In the end, after each of these "deluxe" models failed, I would fall back to an old standby coffeemaker that had been stored away on a shelf. I''ve been using this old machine for some months now, until I cracked the pot. I''ve read tons of reviews of other coffeemakers, which all seem to have many unhappy owners, and finally just brought this one home, figuring I''d only be out $30 if it didn''t last.
To my great surprise and in spite of all the negative reviews, I really like this coffeemaker! I don''t seem to have any of the problems that other reviewers have mentioned. I''ve only been using it for a week but, (knock on wood), it''s doing what it was designed to do, and well, I might add. Let me mention some of the features I think are worth noting.
First off, this is an attractive unit and rather tall, at about 14 inches. The top lifts up to access the water reservoir and filter basket, so you have to pull it out if you store it beneath most cupboards. I enjoy how easily accessible the basket and permanent filter are, which completely lift out for cleaning, either by hand or in the dishwasher, and the quite large, open area to pour water into. The charcoal water filter is located on the right in the back and is easy to change, at least with my average, woman-sized hands. There are cup markings on both the pot and the side of the water reservoir to verify the correct amount has been added.
Many (most) complaints I see here are with the pot and pouring. Before I used my coffeemaker the first time, I ran a vinegar and water solution through it, and then a few pots of plain water, to clean it. I had no problems with spilling, pouring into the reservoir, or out of the pot, or leaks anywhere. I did overfill the reservoir once, not paying attention to the cup markings and just pouring a full pot into it, but that is a clear user error and not a flaw in the design of the unit. After the cleaning was completed, I assembled and placed the charcoal water filter and successfully brewed my first pot, which took about 8-10 minutes.
The included manual has easy-to-follow instructions for setting the clock and timed brew. So far, it works great! There is no battery backup memory so if you unplug it or your power goes out, it all needs to be reset. There is a selection button on the front for brewing 1-4 cups, which slows brewing to extract extra flavor from the smaller amount of coffee. This unit also includes a standard "sneak-a-cup" feature and a keep warm function with a 2 hour automatic shut-off, which I appreciate after having returned home to a charcoal-caked pot too many times.
Of note, I measured the coffee temperature after brewing with my trusty candy thermometer and it was 165 degrees. After sitting on the warmer plate, it was 175 degrees. For me, this is hot enough, even after adding a bit of milk or cream. I don''t know if that suits everyone''s tastes or how consistent this is, but it''s info I have to share.
A new feature that I found interesting was a special cleaning cycle, using white vinegar, which is recommended every 60 brew cycles. The coffeemaker records the cycles and a "clean" light appears on the display to remind you. Conveniently, this is also the recommended time to change your water filter.
One "complaint" I have is that the front of my box claimed to have a "gold-tone" filter basket and I have a nylon mesh one. The gold tone ones I''ve had in the past seemed sturdier, but I''ll have to see how durable this one is with time. I normally use paper filters as well so can''t address the effectiveness of the filter basket related to extremely fine coffee grinds. Another concern is that this unit is not noted on the Black and Decker website so I don''t know if it''s specially made for the chain stores or an older unit, which has been replaced with a new number.
To summarize, I have to say I''m very happy with my purchase. For $30, I not only have a nice looking unit that is easy to use and brews a good cup of coffee. I feel that there are many desirable features that I would not expect at this price. Reassuringly, there is a two year warranty on defects in materials or workmanship. I need to locate a source for the correct water filters, but there is an 800 number in the manual for parts and service that I''ve not yet tried. I will edit my review if I have any other information to share, but, so far, so good.
UPDATEI''ve had this coffeemaker about a month now and I admit, I''ve had some drips. It seems to be most likely to occur when the pot is full, but is intermittent at other times. Pouring slowly seems to be the best way to avoid it, but this does not guarantee it to be drip free. I still like the coffeemaker and am happy with my purchase. I just don''t want to mislead anyone about the dripping. All other functions are performing as designed.
Buy Black & Decker CM1010B 12-Cup Programmable Coffeemaker Now
This coffeemaker is a SCANDAL. The lip of the carafe had apparently NOT been fixed as of my purchase date of 12/29/09. My considerable respect for Black & Decker is GONE. The human race has been engineering the lip of a pouring vessel since AT LEAST 2000 BC (Mycenaean Greece). Yup! since 4000 years ago. And probably since much earlier (ancient Egyptian, Chinese?). The solutions to the problem that work are KNOWN. I guess B&D fired their engineers and hired a bunch of swishy "designers." They must have also fired their product test people and hired a few more marketing specialists. Hint: Try pouring out the side of the carafe, avoiding the lip. But remember to curse Black & Decker each time you do it. And it''s not exactly the perfect solution. These folks expect me to buy a POWER TOOL from them?? NOT ANY MORE! I am not "irritated." I am ANGRY!Read Best Reviews of Black & Decker CM1010B 12-Cup Programmable Coffeemaker Here
I purchased this product in June of 2010. We barely use it once a week and within two months the carafe would leak quite a bit while trying to pour a cup of coffee. After a couple frustrating months, I called B&D and was sent a replacement carafe, free of charge. This carafe also started to leak within a couple of months. So I called their warranty number, only to be told that this is not covered under warranty and they show no record of there being a problem with this model. I told them that their repair parts website has two reviews both with leaking carafes!! So I then called the parts & accessories number in my manual and this gal was much nicer. They are going to send a more expensive model, after I send to them a check (minimal) to cover the shipping and handling, and the plug cut off this defective coffee maker. I sure hope the replacement model works better than the CM1010B, or we will be changing brands and find one without a glass carafe.Want Black & Decker CM1010B 12-Cup Programmable Coffeemaker Discount?
Dont buy this coffeemaker! The first one I recvd leaked from under the plastic rim. The 2nd drips no matter how you try to pour it. Unless you enjoy licking your coffee off of the counter or pouring it into a cup over a sink and wasting half the pot, buy a Mr. Coffee coffee maker. Black and Decker should recall all those made and replace them. Shame on Black and Decker for making such a piece of junk!Black & Decker CM1010B 12-Cup Programmable Coffeemaker with Glass Carafe
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