I love the look of the filter. It''s cute, the colors are nice, the shape is pleasing. It was easy to assemble, but after that my problems began. Though the pot claims it holds 20 oz., the funnel top (where you pour in the water), holds about 12. But not a big deal, right. So you have to fill it twice if you want to drink that much water. A bigger problem is the cartridge failed to drain completely most of the time. And if it doesn''t drain completely then you can''t fit the filter cap on, which you''re supposed to do to pour off the water. I cheated and just lifted the cartridge out of the container and held it over my glass while I poured the water out of the container. A bit awkward and challenging. But I was willing to live with it. Until I discovered that the unit leaks. At first I thought it was because I hadn''t screwed the cartridge piece on securely. But no, it didn''t seem to matter how secure it was. I''m guessing it was the cartridge itself and the fact that it didn''t drain. Customer service suggested I shake the cartridge, which I did. One time it worked. The next time it didn''t. After a while I got a bit fed up. And finally decided they really need to fix the design flaws. Customer Service even admitted that other people have problems with leaking. Faulty cartridges, I suspect.
If you decide to send back your filter beware of the warranty. The web page offers a 30-day warranty and you get a full refund (minus shipping) ONLY if you haven''t used the filter. At all. If you''ve used the filter I thought the 30 days was for trying it out then they deduct a 15% restocking fee. And if you live in the U.S., shipping to Canada can be expensive.
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