1. Cheaper (of course, prices on Amazon go up and down all the time)
2. A little less fuss. Presoaking takes less than a minute instead 15.
3. No annoying specks of carbon floating around Mavea has an extra liner in the top of the filter to trap those. Because of that, you can add water faster without worrying about forcing out carbon specks.
Same capacity. 128 40oz uses for both brands.
Allegedly, Mavea has some silver in its filter for anti-bacteria. I can''t vouch for that.
I cracked open a Mavea and a Britta. The carbon stuff on the inside looked similar.
Tasted water filtered by both a Mavea and a Britta. Tasted the same.
So, if you can save money with the Mavea, go for it.This is the most no-hassle filter you can find for a Brita pitcher. Priming takes only seconds, and there''s no charcoal residue in the antechamber of the pitcher, ever. Filters more rapidly than Brita filters and works every bit as long. Water tastes clean and fresh.
Oh, and the price! Did I mention the price? No brainer. I''ll stick with Mavea.
Buy Mavea 1007930 Classic Fit Replacement Filter, 2-Pack Now
The Amazon description claims that these replacement filters fit all Pur pitchers. (The literature on the box does not make that claim.)I have a Pur Plus pitcher, and it was not an easy fit. I had to wedge it into place. It never clicked, and it doesn''t seem to be an ideal replacement. The filter does seem to be working, but I will probably buy the actual Pur replacement filter next time.
Also, the box literature claims that the filter does not need to be soaked. That''s sort of true, sort of not. You still need to wet the filter before placing it in the pitcher, and you''re required to run two pitchers through before it''s ready to use.
Read Best Reviews of Mavea 1007930 Classic Fit Replacement Filter, 2-Pack Here
This is an easy recommendation for anyone using a Brita filter. First, you get a lower price...not earth-shattering, but decent savings which everyone can appreciate if the product is at least equal in quality. Now, secondly, you can rest assured on the quality because not only is the water as neutral tasting as ever, but the top pre-filtered water doesn''t have stray charcoal particles that are a bit annoying plus, the water goes through a bit faster in the bargain.So, if you use Brita pitchers at you home I heartily recommend that you try the Mavea Classic Fit Replacement Filter for Brita pitchers. This is one product I believe will be universally pleasing as it seems to perform better than the Brita branded filters at slightly less expense...What''s not to love?
Want Mavea 1007930 Classic Fit Replacement Filter, 2-Pack Discount?
I have tried a number of pitcher filters in an effort to make our awful-tasting water palatable. None of them have done this so far. Yesterday I tried a little app on the EWG website that gave me the reason: the only pitcher filter they recommend for getting rid of hydrogen sulfide is another brand (Zero). I''ll probably try that next even though it means spending some cash and getting yet another pitcher.So this one doesn''t make my water fresh-tasting or pleasant-smelling. However, if you don''t have sulfur water you may like it because it offers (1) a "classic" fit that works in several kinds of pitchers, (2) Ease of use (no long presoaking), (3) reasonable cost, and (4) less carbon escaping into the water. You might also like the added silver to kill bacteria. (Did you know that bacteria can grow in carbon filters? Yes, so remember to change the filters on schedule.)
I find that this improves the water well enough for my dog''s drinking water. Don''t worry, sulfur is not harmful; it''s just stinky. I can also cook with the water as long as I mix it with 3 parts bottled water. We have water delivered in 3-gallon jugs for drinking, and yes, the jugs are picked up and re-used.
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