This is our second Brita Grand Pitcher. The first one lasted about 15 years. I dropped it into our sink, thereby cracking it, resulting in purchasing the new one. I have found no major differences between the new pitcher and the old pitcher.
1. I have NEVER had a problem with the filter falling out. People, PUSH IT IN!!! It won''t fall out once you push it in firmly, believe me.
2. The lid doesn''t fall off. Unless you have some kind of defective pitcher, the lid does not fall off. Like I said, I''ve had this pitcher (or one like it) for 15 years, and this has never been a problem for me.
3. Yes, you do have to wait for the water to filter through to efficiently pour water out. Big deal. That takes a whopping 1 to 2 minutes. Let''s have some planning, people!
The point is, this pitcher holds a lot of water (about 3 quarts) and it makes your water taste good. It costs around $30 and (unless you drop it, like me) will last at least 15 years. That, to me, is a good buy.
PS I have no financial connection to Brita. I simply have been using it for a long time and am a satisfied customer.I was a victim of the Brita "Drink Responsibly" advertising campaign (summer 2008) and I bought the pitcher before I read the reviews here. Reading these (1 star) reviews allowed me to look for the problems described and I have not experienced them. I did not note a leaky top, although this may have been because I was being careful thanks to K.M. aka Squishy''s review. I was more concerned about the spout cover problem which I read in a couple of reviews, but I discovered (no pun intended)that the spout cover "floats," that is if you just pour the pitcher the cover lifts and water comes out. Mine did not leak. (this may be a redesign since the old reviews). I was perfectly able to pour water with one had into a glass sitting on the counter (didn''t have to hold the glass either) with no leaks.
Amazon defines 4-stars as "I like it" which I do. It ain''t a cure for cancer. It''s a water pitcher and mine seems to work fine.
Buy Brita Grand 80-Ounce Water Filtration Pitcher Now
I love this pitcher. I chose the grand because it was one of the largest pitchers I could find. I prefer the pitcher to the Ultramax dispenser because it''s easier to refill. After I poor a glass of water, I just immediately fill it up. A previous reviewer said it''s easy to spill the water out the top because you have to wait for it to filter. All the pitchers I use don''t instantly get all the water through the filter. It takes a little bit of time. If you''re being heavy handed with it, then you''ll spill. If you just lift and place in the fridge, you''ll be fine. I like the digital tracker as well. I''m forgetful and until my water tastes terrible, I won''t realize I need to change the filter. I''ve saved so much on water bottles and only need to buy a replacement every three months for about $14.00.I highly recommend this filter.
Read Best Reviews of Brita Grand 80-Ounce Water Filtration Pitcher Here
I have been a happy Brita owner for over five years. I recently purchased this new green pitcher and I am very disappointed in it. As other reviewers have already noted, the top DOES NOT fit, at all. It will sit on top of the pitcher, but there''s nothing to hold it on. Sure, I can hold it in place with my thumb while pouring and it''s not too much of a bother, but the old design was flawless. Why mess with it? I have not noticed any slower pouring than usual, as others have reported, but I have noticed that the insert in the pitcher which holds the filter itself is now nearly impossible to remove for cleaning.I will not change to another filter system because I like the crisp refreshing taste of Brita, but I am very disappointed. I may try a different pitcher when I can afford another $30 for a pitcher. :(
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Well I REALLY LOVE the clean taste of the water and I expected it from Brita. I got this (my favorite color) Purple Brita Grand knowing that a few of reviews stated a problem with the lid coming off quite easily & IT DOES, one would thing that Brita''s QA department would have noticed this and correct it by now. What I did to correct this problem was to take a rubber band and placed it under the lid around the part that fits into the pitcher & PRESTO it actually works...take a HINT Brita. Otherwise a GREAT Taste Producing thing to have. ;-)
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