Melitta 46894 10-Cup Thermal Coffeemaker Save 50% Off

Melitta 46894 10-Cup Thermal CoffeemakerAs a person who considers himself a bit of a coffee connoisseur, I would like to shed some light on criticisms I found to be consistent amongst the less glowing reviews. I think some people who purchased this machine are a bit unfamiliar with the advantages versus traditional (glass carafe) brewers. They are mistaking some of the positives for negatives. I hope this helps current and potential buyers, as for the price (or even for more money) you''d be hard-pressed to find anything better. Allow me to explain...

STAINLESS STEEL CARAFE: A double insulated carafe (as found on the Melitta) serves to keep the coffee warm without a warming plate following the brewing cycle. Though the coffee does lose heat over time, you will not lose any taste. Glass carafes require a warming plate that keeps coffee at a consistent temperature by essentially cooking it. In other words, your coffee will taste horrible not long after the brewing cycle has finished. Imagine keeping your coffee on a low-flame stove burner all morning!

COFFEE TEMPERATURE: There is an accepted optimal brewing temperature for coffee of between 195-205°F. The Melitta is designed with this in mind. Other coffee makers are not. If you brew coffee at too high a temperature, you cook and over-extract the grinds. This results in a bitter taste.

FILTER BASKET: This is a cone-shaped basket instead of the more common flat-bottomed basket. The cone shape allows the water to contact the grounds for longer and create a fuller brew. Also, it is highly advisable to use unbleached paper filters versus reusable mesh ones. The paper filters absorb much of the acidity resulting in a smoother tasting coffee. Having used the permanent gold-tone filters in the past, I can say from experience they simply don''t work as well.

YES YES YES! Finally a working coffee pot that wasn''t designed/built by total morons!

A coffee maker should do the following:

1. Make coffee into a pot (not on the counter)

2. Make hot coffee (listen up mr coffee!)

3. Actually pour coffee out of the carafe! (again something mt coffee hasn''t figured out)

4. Actually brew the entire filters worth of grinds and not just part of the grinds

5. Not cost an Arm and a leg.... It''s a simple appliance

After going through 6 different coffee makers from 4 different mfg''s I finally found one that meets my extremely picky 5 requirements (sarcasm) this maker is the ONLY one that does!

Buy Melitta 46894 10-Cup Thermal Coffeemaker Now

I bought this from Abe"s of maine. I usually don''t write reviews but I did a lot of research and have waited a long time to buy another coffee maker since my Philips Thermal was getting a bit old.

I have tried a number of thermal units in the past and could not find one that produced hot coffee from the start, never mind after awhile from the carafe. The Philips was good, not perfect, where after my second cup I had to hit the microwave. So I came across the Melitta older version and wanted to buy it but could not find one at an reasonable price so I called Melitta. They said it was discontinued but they have a new model 46894. Now the picture is wrong here, it shows a glass carafe, the same on Abe''s website but the model number was correct so I ordered it and got the thermal carafe.

So far I really like it. I ran water thru it and it is 5 degrees hotter than my Philips and it has a hot plate which gets good and hot during the brew time and then goes off when it stops brewing. It has 3 Brew settings which must be different temperatures which makes the water pass thru at different speeds. I have tried all 3 and I can''t see there is a big difference, but I think you need to be exact in measuring and using the same coffee and amount of water. I have 3 coffees open in decanters which I switch everyday for variety.

Easy to fill without spilling water, easy to clean and the carafe is a one handed operation to pour..

So all I can say is go for it!.. Can''t beat the price and quality for a good cup of coffee.

Read Best Reviews of Melitta 46894 10-Cup Thermal Coffeemaker Here

I researched many of the coffee makers here. Every model had somethings I liked, some i didn''t and concerns from other reviewers that I had to filter. This Melitta maker (46894) had everything I wanted and it simply made sense. I''m shocked at how many models missed important features. And most of these are necessary features (no, I don''t want cold coffee or a machine that dumps coffee and grounds on the counter). Does no one do market research or test their products? It''s a coffee maker, just make a good one.

I was in search of a thermal maker because a) we broke multiple glass carafes on our granite countertop, esp near the sink edge, and b) I didn''t want a heating element cooking the coffee after it brewed. So the first bar was set for a thermal coffee maker.

The rest of the features I wanted and felt a good coffee maker needed were:

8-12 cup capacity

no-mess brewing (meaning no disaster stories of coffee spilling all over the counter during the brew cycle)

a good spout so that it pours without running down the side of the pot

a simple and secure lid

stop and pour brewing

a timer

cone brew basket, best design

no loud chime (the cuisinart has a loud 5 beep with no way to turn it off, c''mon, really?)

makes hot coffee and keeps it hot (this one pre-heats the bottom of the carafe only during brewing.

reliable (too many complaints of other models dying after a month or 3 or 6).

This Melitta coffee maker has all these features and makes great coffee. Simple. It also looks great. Well done Melitta. You succeeded at making a great product where all others failed. It was strange though that I bought it on 12/3/11 for $69. The next day it was $15 more and then on 12/13 it was unavailable at Amazon. Today (12/17) it''s back to $69. Good luck.

Want Melitta 46894 10-Cup Thermal Coffeemaker Discount?

This is a sturdy coffee machine. Sleek looks, simple use, great coffee, easy to clean up. Coffee still pretty warm after 4 hrs. Really easy to use and clean carafe. Brews quickly enough, and produces piping hot coffee. Brew strength is a nice way to use less coffee and extract more flavor... more noticeable with fine grounds. Bonus, you can make iced coffee with this one! Fill the carafe with ice, double coffee grounds, and brew (directions are in the manual). YUM! Very bright blue LED for those who care, no bother to me. I read about all the others available Dec 2011, and this seemed the best bang for the buck! I recommend a burr grinder for excellent flavor! No burnt coffee taste at all. BUY IT!

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