It did pretty well until we had our recent heat wave, at which point it kept giving the FL error message (need to empty water) and shutting itself off. According to the manual, this should not have to be done in AC mode, but we figured "hey, it''s a heat wave and really humid; makes sense, right?"
The first time this happened about a week ago, we emptied the water (not much of it) and it ran again for a few days before shutting off again. This progressed from shutting off every day, to every few hours, to its current status of shutting off immediately even though there is no water in it! It won''t run AT ALL.
We called LG and followed instructions again to reset, clean filters, vacuum any dust/pet hair (which was already done), to no avail. This was followed by removing the color and meticulously cleaning the entire interior to make sure there was no dust in there. As of right now, we have a service call set up to see if a pro can''t get it working again. Needless to say, this is super-frustrating because we''re suffering record-breaking heat.I bought two of these for my 1000 square foot condo in Chicago because window units are not allowed. We just had the hottest summer I can remember, and our condo remained cool. This unit didn''t turn our apartment into a freezer, but it did keep it to about 75 degrees during 100 degree days. This unit is well made, except for the adjustable window mount, which is flimsy. The square footage recommendation is overstated, but I''m happy with my purchase.
Buy LG Electronics LP1111WXR 11,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner Now
LG LP1111WXR 11,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner with remoteWith our local power company estimating one week to restore electricity after a storm and temperatures reaching nearly 100 degrees each day, some sort of A/C for our basement walk-out rec-room was essential. Our two-story house became virtually uninhabitable due to the high heat, except for the basement. We have a good generator, so power wasn''t an issue as long as the A/C used 115 volts. Some units in this BTU range need 230 volts, which we didn''t have. We bought this unit from a local Home Depot.
running continuously, it kept a 1000 square foot (well insulated) rec room in the low to mid 70''s on days it reached nearly 100 outside.
Even though it''s pretty loud, we could watch TV with it running, with no problem. The operating sound is mostly the whooshing of air.
it doesn''t come with a drain pan, which is actually OK. After running for 2 full days in the hot humid Washington DC are, there was zero water to drain.
the unit''s control panel is intuitive. We didn''t need the instructions or the remote. Plug it in, turn it on, set the temperature you want.
since you don''t have to lift it up (after it''s in the room where you want it), installation is easy on your back.
this device can be used as a dehumidifier, in which case, exhausted air isn''t sent to the outside. In this case, you''ll need to buy a drain hose for the water (but that connection is only one inch off the floor!).
rolls easily on a hard floor (but not so easily on carpet).
This design is excellent for emergency A/C use, or if the other types of A/C are impractical for the room. It exhausts hot air out the window that it sucks in through other household windows/doors i.e., a corresponding quantity of [warm] outside air is being pulled into the room you''re trying to cool, from other places in your house. Thus, this design is less efficient, electric-usage wise, than a window A/C unit; and far less efficient than a central A/C, or a ductless A/C.
The unit itself is 33" high, 18.5" wide, 14" deep, and it has to be about a foot out from the window to give the 6" flexible exhaust hose room to bend.
this unit is called "portable", which is technically valid since it''s on wheels. However, it has to be exhausted through a window after installing the supplied widow trim. That means it has to stay at the window where that trim is mounted. In other words, it''s not portable if it''s being used. The only time it will be rolled more than a few inches is when it''s not "installed". A truly portable unit could be rolled to, and used, anywhere there''s a 115 v receptacle.
LG includes variable-width trim to install at the bottom or side (on a slider) of a window, that the unit''s 6" exhaust hose plugs into. These plastic parts are pretty thin, so be careful they don''t crack. Screw it to the window frame to hold it in place if it is to stay there awhile. However, since an installation is only for a few days, duct tape can be used to hold it in place and seal the opening. After the emergency, just peel the duct tape off and remove the trim.
One end of the 6" exhaust hose snaps into the base unit and the other end snaps into that window trim. The ends of this hose are thin plastic and could be broken; so be careful.
One year warranty is fairly typical.
If the above description meets your needs, this unit is probably comparable to any "portable" A/C in this BTU range.
Read Best Reviews of LG Electronics LP1111WXR 11,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner Here
This unit works well.....as long a it isn''t hot outside. It''s nothing more than a overpriced fan. I have it in a 200 sq ft room and it isn''t doing much of anything as far as cooling. Time for a refund and a real air conditioner.Want LG Electronics LP1111WXR 11,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner Discount?
I looked at some of the other reviews after I had already purchased the product and am somewhat displeased with the negative feedback on this unit.To start off, I live in Texas, I awoke one morning to find that my 35000 BTU Window unit was acting up. I went down to my local home depot and purchased this unit, the price wasn''t bad comparable to the prices of other portable units I''ve seen in the past. Installation was quick and easy, except there is a bad design flaw in which the connector for the exhaust hose to the window frame is very short and doesn''t give much room before fattening out. Essentially has trouble locking in to the window frame because of the window sill, but that is for a vertical opening window, wouldn''t see having the problem with a horizontal opening window. I placed the unit in my living room so we could have a sanctuary from the heat until my window unit gets checked out, Its a little bit less than a 20x20 room but has 12ft ceilings. Has no problem making this room extremely comfortable, the auto swing feature helps to ensure even coverage of cool air in the room. Love not having to run a drainage hose and the window installation is rather quick, I moved it to my bedroom in about 10 mins. It does have an air intake but I don''t see much negative pressure being created as other reviewers have said nor does it pull warm or hot air from other areas. The heat from the exhaust outside is bearable and the hose isn''t hot to the touch after continual use. And in general a lot of reviews complain about BTU rating not being correct for most AC units, since having these tall ceilings I have had to learn to take that into account for square footage for the area to be cooled. I assume they are basing that most dwellings down have high ceiling and anyone with high ceilings or open loft areas need to take this into account. User error not Unit error :). Overall I am pleased with this product regardless of its very few minor flaws
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