Outside faucet: 700 800 (local water has daily variations in quality)
Bottled, flavored drinking water: 500 600
Inside faucet (softener, whole-house filter with standard cartridge ... GE FXUSC): 450
Inside faucet (softener, whole house filter with carbon sediment cartridge ... GE FXWTC): 350
Reverse osmosis dedicated faucet: 35
The Intellitec tester confirms our decision to use the RO water for drinking and cooking ... and to avoid commercially bottled water.
The only "con" I have is the tester''s on/off switch. It works inconsistently; one has to get used to the correct amount of pressure for it to turn on!*Edited*
Dunk this device into water and a number will appear on the display. The bigger the number, the less pure the water is. However, if you compare those numbers with an accurate TDS meter, the numbers are not even close. Someone might find it useful to compare the the *relative* purity of some water samples. I didn''t. I needed a good PPM number to know when to change a Reverse Osmosis membrane.
As mentioned by another reviewer, this tester does NOT indicate water safety. It measures disolved solids, not bacteria. A "pure" mountain stream at 10 PPM TDS could get you a good case of giardia.
This tester is not a TDS meter. The number displayed has no particular relation to TDS (Total Dissolved Solids, parts per million). Nor is the unit able to be calibrated. As such it is not a TDS meter. To the manufacturer''s credit, they don''t claim that it is. (But another reviewer does).
I have this unit now HM Digital Pocket Size TDS Meter TDS-4 Water Quality Tester and it works great. I''ve had great luck with HM meters. Spend a few more bucks and get the real thing.
Buy Intellitec WPT1000 Digital Water Purity Tester Now
Straight out of the box, I tested my municipal tap water, the same water run through a PUR 3-Stage Vertical Faucet Mount Chrome FM-3700B (an activated carbon filter with some additional filtration), and the same water again run through an RO system. The total dissolved solids in the tap water came in at 150 ppm, the extreme low end of typical tap water range; I believe this, as the water feels very much like softened water when you''re rinsing off soap while showering. The PUR filter water came out at a believable 108 ppm, and the RO water at 20 ppm.It''s quite simple to use, although users should heed the caution not to lower the unit further than the water sensor tips, as the rest of the unit is not waterproof.
Read Best Reviews of Intellitec WPT1000 Digital Water Purity Tester Here
Stuck it in our tap water. Gave a terrifying large number (~420 if I recall). Stuck it on our RO water, gave a low number (around 18). Seems like it works therefore I am happy! Instant readings too.Want Intellitec WPT1000 Digital Water Purity Tester Discount?
shipped quick, item is inaccurate,can not be calibrated,converson factor is unknown I estmate it to be .700~.850. simly not worth the shipping.
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